chainlinks planning page for June 2015 issue
getting a late start on this, currently in Rotorua on Fire sercice course 3-7 June, but trying to do stuff on CL after hours
getting a late start on this, currently in Rotorua on Fire sercice course 3-7 June, but trying to do stuff on CL after hours
Deadlines: Main articles by 22 August
Local group reports and advertising by 31 August
CAN and the Chainlinks team are planning a special issue of Chainlinks for the start of 2012. Work doesn't usually start on the first Chainlinks issue of each year until January and February, and the issue doesn't come out until March or sometimes even April.
For 2012 we will have an issue out in late January, so it's there for Bike month.
Although the current issue of Caninlinks is delayed it has a description of the special issue like this in it.
For the last Chainlinks we used a new cover design that devoted more space for a photograph. I hope it was well received.
For the September issue of Chainlinks I'd like to find a cover photo that has a picture of cycling in action. it's very easy for me to get pictures of cyclists riding in stunning scenery, because of where I live, but it's not easy for me to get photos of cycing in a city environment, or in places where there is significant cycling infrastructure (apart from a damn fine recreational rail trail) because of where I live.
by Bevan Woodward
Even a small reduction in speed has huge safety benefits, a recent workshop on speed limit management showed.
12 February - Submission date for articles that are not directly liked to Bike Wise.
27 February - cutoff date for Bike Wise reports and of local group activities.