Presented by: Glen Koorey and Graeme Lindup (CAN) - PDF presentation (2MB)
- May 2010- initial proposal to NZTA- more of a safety focus than the previous Networking Project
- Nov 2010- cycling fatalities, then BikeNZ joint media work
- Dec 2010- invited to prepare joint proposal with BikeNZ
- Feb 2011- revised proposal, MoU with BikeNZ
- Mar 2011- started the project.
Project runs over 16 months and has $340,000 funding from NZTA. It has three components:
- cycle instructor training (led by BikeNZ)
- road user workshops (led by CAN)
- Share the Road (led by CAN)
A joint steering group with members from both CAN and BikeNZ was set up to oversee the project.
Cycle Instructor Training
Glen showed a diagram showing the various components of the training programme, including:
- cyclists (grades 1-3)
- instructors- CAN, Police, others
- trainers of instructors
- instructor assessors
- Skills Active
- NZQA (for trainers, not for cyclists)
CAN/BikeNZ tasks:
- develop instructor training resources
- instructor training courses
- ongoing instructor support
- grade 1 training manual produced (including material on how to teach), grade 2 and 3 started
- 6 training courses delivered, over 100 participants
- grade 2 course in late November
- details of trained instructors online, plus other online resources; 7 assessors available
Costs for instructors:
- $75 for 2-day course, subsidised
- $75 /year for ongoing support
- NZQA registration ($75?)
- Skills Active assessment ($125) + ? to assessor
How to ensure quality is kept up (repeat assessment)?
Road User Workshops
Workshops aimed at increased understanding between cyclists and two different road user groups: bus and truck drivers.
CAN/BikeNZ tasks:
- 8 bus workshops
- 7 truck workshops
- ongoing trainer mentoring/support
- other road user interaction resources
- look at delivery to other road user groups (taxis etc.)
- lots of bus workshops, not so many truck ones (reasons include: more fragmented industry, smaller operators, timing problems etc.)
- formats: working well for bus; more driver focused
- need to adapt a bit for trucks- smaller cab, can't use for classroom
- tie in with RTA "Pit Stop" sessions? just dialogue, no on-road training
- use Interislander?
- 2-day Whangarei model?
- posters, certificates
- resources for facilitators
- driver invitations before workshops
- who is this? breaking down barriers
- Julie Roe, Marilyn Northcotte, Stu Bell
- Target November 2-4 road user workshops
- Cycle Buddies course?
Share the Road
CAN/BikeNZ tasks:
- engage with road user groups
- report for NZTA-review, key audiences, messages
- proposed campaign to implement
- pilot one or more campaigns
Behaviour goals: understanding rules, safe movement, less aggression.
Used Tamaki Drive (Auckland) as a case study:
- original group of four who wanted to 'take the lead'
- grown to 28
- focus on bunch riding (often perceptions of 'roadies' transfer to other cyclists)
- develop protocol, ride leader training, website resources
"The Good Bunch"
- business card sized rules summary for bunch riders- e.g. keep to two abreast, 20 rider limit on bunch size, 200 m between bunches, follow the rules and leader's instruction
- comments: good response, seen as a model that could be applied elsewhere
- building relationships with other agencies- RTANZ, RTF, AA, Auckland Transport
Input into "Tips for Cyclists/ Motorists" resource.
Longer term:
- seen as a "kick start" project
- more potential with Share the Road
- need to put forward some proposals to NZTA.