
CAN regularly provides submissions to central government agencies on relevant legislation and policy proposals. Copies of these submissions are available below for downloading. Many of CAN's local groups also make submissions on local projects and strategies, as well as national consultation documents. If you think there is a public consultation document/issue that CAN should make a submission on, let us know!

NZTA: draft Specification for Traffic Signals (October 2015)

"The Signal New Zealand User Group (SNUG) and the NZ Transport Agency has developed these guidelines to assist traffic signal asset owners, design consultants and suppliers capture the maximum benefits from the newer technologies available, and to provide a best practice guideline."

Document Type: 

Wellington City Council Draft Waterfront Development Plan 2015 – Cycle Aware Wellington submission

Key points of our submission

● We highly recommend that WCC builds segregated cycle lanes on the waterfront Quays

(Waterloo/Customhouse/Jervois Quay)

● Segregated cycle lanes on the Quays fit very well in with WCC’s aims as listed in

‘measurement of performance’.

Document Type: 

Wellington City Council Urban Growth Implementation Plan 2015 – Cycle Aware Wellington submission

Key points of our submission

● We strongly support the implementation of a cycle network as described on page 18. We would to like to see this list backed up by projects and timelines

● We support redevelopments of Kent/Cambridge Terraces and Adelaide road (p27) providing high quality cycleways are built on this necessary route.

● We recommend the Aro Street Development and RNS projects to provide cycle provisions early on what is currently a dangerous area for people cycling.

Document Type: 

Wellington City Council 10­year plan – Cycle Aware Wellington submission 2015

Key points of our submission

● We strongly support the implementation of a cycle network as per point 11.

● We support redevelopments of Kent/Cambridge Terraces and Adelaide road providing high

quality cycleways on this necessary route. We encourage the council to put more routes


● Building cycling infrastructure will help with most​of the other ‘ideas’ presented in the plan.

● The infrastructure and financial strategy documents need to back the ‘idea’ of cycling with

real detail.

Document Type: 

Shape your region GWRC 10 Year Plan 2015-2025 – Cycle Aware Wellington submission

Key points of our submission

● Increasing cycling mode share benefits the environment and all transport users

● GWRC should work with local bodies to create an attractive and efficient cycling network in

the Wellington Region

● Existing educational and promotional activities should be expanded

● Cycling should be integrated with public transport

● eBikes should be promoted

Document Type: 

Waikato Regional Council - Draft Regional Public Transport Plan 2015-2025 - Cycle Action Waikato Submission

Waikato Regional Council - Draft Regional Public Transport Plan 2015-2025

more infomrmation -

Peter Bos and Rob Davidson - Cycle Action Waikato Submission


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