Media Releases

The Cycling Advocates Network (CAN), the national group representing cyclists as road users, today welcomed the Government's road safety package. CAN Campaigns Secretary Robert Ibell stated that "The proposals are a significant improvement over the status quo, and we offer our qualified support. We're disappointed, however, that the Government has not committed itself to working towards a vision of zero fatalities."

The Government's draft transport strategy is welcome because it is looking at a transport system where people have real choices about how they move around, said the Cycling Advocates' Network (CAN) today.

"The strategy starts to redress the imbalance in funding that has seen people encouraged to drive and created conditions where biking, walking or taking public transport is too unattractive" said CAN chairperson Jane Dawson.

Paul Doherty has been appointed Executive Director of Cycling Support N.Z. Inc.
He will take up the position on 22 April 2002.

Mr Doherty is 37 and graduated from the University of Auckland with a first class honours degree in Civil Engineering. His professional experience has been in the design and construction of highways both in New Zealand and the United Kingdom where he lived and worked for six years.

The Cycling Advocates Network (CAN) said it was delighted with this evening's announcement by Mark Gosche, Minister of Transport, that the Government is to develop a national cycling strategy, something which CAN has been pushing for over the last few years.

Cyclists today expressed outrage about a Land Transport Safety Authority rule change that allows visibility from car side windows to be reduced by half.

The national organisation for bicycle tourists and commuters, the Cycling Advocates Network (CAN), today lent its support to Nelson MP Nick Smith's call for a mountain-bike track through the Kahurangi National Park.

New government policies and more resources are needed to give New Zealanders a better choice of transport options, according to the Cycling Advocates Network (CAN).

CAN is using National Bike Wise Week as an opportunity to call on national and local government to adopt policies that give people the freedom to get around by bicycle. CAN wants to see a national network of cycle routes developed, suitable for commuting, recreation and tourism.

The Ministry of Health should spend some of its proposed financial support for low income people on supplying them with bicycles, national cycling group, the Cycling Advocates Network (CAN), said today.

"Anyone who cycles regularly gets real health benefits", said CAN campaigns secretary, Robert Ibell. "Regular cyclists enjoy a level of fitness equivalent to people ten years younger. And the health benefits gained from regular cycling far outweigh the risks from crashes".

A cycle touring track linking the West Coast and Golden Bay will bring economic benefits to the region, says the Cycling Advocates Network (CAN).

CAN, the national organisation for cycle tourists and commuters, says that a bike track through the Kahurangi National Park would avoid the damaging environmental impacts of a road.

Mad about cars, or just mad about cars? Need a good reason to leave the car at home? This Thursday you'll have two.

The rising cost of petrol make alternatives to your car look more attractive. Not only that, Thursday is Car Free Day, an event being celebrated worldwide.

In NZ, if you're getting on your bike that day you might be the lucky recipient of an apple.