It's not about the bike lane: how cycling projects are a win-win for councils and residents

Bike to the future

SOLGM (Society of Local Govt Managers) has invited Patrick Morgan and Jena Niquidat from Cycling Advocates Network (CAN) and Owen Mata from Hastings District Council on this webinar to discuss how delivering cycling projects is a win-win for councils and residents.

It's not all about Amsterdam and Copenhagen. Learn how London, New York and Sydney are rolling out massive cycling projects and delivering benefits for business, health and liveability. Patrick will present examples and ideas from his Winston Churchill Fellowship study tour of Europe and the USA.

Jena Niquidat will show how road user workshops, where bus drivers and cyclists swap seats, and The Good Bunch project are building a "share the road culture".

In NZ, Hastings and New Plymouth are 2 years into their Model Communities projects. Hear from Owen Mata about the successes and "lessons learnt" from the Hastings Model Community Programme (iWay) including the challenges of getting iWay delivered on time in a local government environment

CAN members can access this webinar for free. Please contact Mariyn Moffatt at SoLGM to register.
If you are not a CAN member, register here.
How webinars work.


"All of your presentations were the best I have ever seen visually- no bullet points in sight!"
Around 60 people atended including 17 Councils, 12 CAN members (or groups), and people from NZTA and Opus.

There were questions on width of cycle lanes, use of contra-flow lanes, and collection of cycling stats.

Most attendees reported that their Council regularly engaged with local cycling advocates.