Submissions called for on Regional Land Transport Strategy - Taranaki
Draft Waterfront Development Plan
Spokes Dunedin Submissions on draft: DCC LTCCP, ORC LTCCP, ORLTP
Attached are the recent Spokes Dunedin Submissions on: draft DCC Long Term Council Community Plan (LTCCP), draft ORC LTCCP, & draft Otago Regional Land Transport Programme (RLTP). Just so these are kept somewhere in case anyone needs to refer to them. Wondered about Phaedra sending a copy of the ORC LTCCP and ORLTP to ORC.
Ideas for submissions - cheap things to ask your council for
Councils are under pressure to keep rates under control. What can bike advocates ask for in their submission that Councils can afford?
Here's some ideas:Wellington Waterfront Project - submission by 18 Mar?
Is someone preparing a submission on this?
Presenting Submissions in Person
Presenting Submissions in Person
- Submissions may be to a Council meeting, special hearing panel, Community Board, or other agency Board meeting
- Where the opportunity is available, always request in a written submission the opportunity to present your submission in person. You can always withdraw later if it is not critical
- Don't assume your audience have read or can recall your written submission
Reasons for submitting in person
A number of strategic opportunities:
Numbers Game Submissions
- A lot simpler than a "technical"/detailed submission
- May be a simple email or reply post form with "I support/Don't Support"
- Can be viewed with some importance by Politicians trying to gauge level of support (sometimes too much importance...)
- Can be useful to encourage lots of members to submit simple submissions like this (provide them with email address, website, and feedback forms)
- Staff reporting on numbers and comments varies around the place
"Numbers Game" Submissions
General Comments
Technical or Detailed Submissions
"Numbers will get you the project. Detail will get you a quality project."
(Glen Koorey, 2007)
Creating Effective Submissions
A general guide for Cyclists on submissions
Creating Effective Submissions
- Submissions are an important part of getting cycling needs heard
- You don't have to be technical expert or brilliant word smith to be effective (but it helps for some specialist consultations)
- It is more important to follow a few common rules and add your personal touch
Types of submissions