
Peak Oil to Drive Changes in Dunedin including biking

Bikes are considered an important part of the solution.  Here was me thinking no one in officialdom cares about peak oil.  The story was carried on the National Programme today (just before 9am news) where the new Mayor of Dunedin Dave Cull, said basically get on your bike, weather is not a problem for cycling (all weather is good for cycling), as he had personally cycled to and from school in Invercargill.  (like Simon told me he did too, I think he even said he hid behind lamp posts to escape driving hail and sleet).

Spokes Dunedin AGM 11th May 2009

A brief AGM with food and drinks, and a presentation by Nicola Bould from the Harbour Cycle Network.

The meeting will also discuss where Spokes Dunedin and cycle advocacy is at, how we can get more involvement, and around what Spokes Dunedin should be tackling this upcoming year.

Treasurer and secretary positions will also be elected.

All are welcome and encouraged to attend - bring a friend!

6.30pm at Community house, corner of Great King Street and Moray Place.

Monday, 11th May 2009.