What provisions should be made for cyclists, and where?
This guide aims to promote a consistent approach to planning the provision for cycling in New Zealand.
1.1 Cycle network planning
Cycle network planning is a process of improving community mobility by providing interconnected routes and facilities based on bicycle users' needs (Bach and Diepens, 2000). It aims to provide cyclists with safe, comfortable, direct routes from all origins to all destinations that:
* link to form a network
* retain existing cyclists
* encourage more people to cycle.
1.2 Cycle route planning
Cycle route planning is the organisation of the most appropriate facilities and treatments into a continuous path for cyclists that will take them safely and comfortably for the greater part of their journey (Bach and Diepens, 2000). Facilities will differ depending on the environment through which the route passes, and different types of cyclists will need different types of cycle route (Dorrestyn, 1996).
Cycle route planning aims to provide cycle routes that:
* provide the highest level of service (LOS) for cyclists, including safety, convenience and comfort
* provide operating space to cycle and other users
* minimise conflicts with other users.
(Cumming, Barber, Smithers, 1999; Jensen et al, 2000; Scottish Executive, 1999).
1.3 Purpose
This guide aims to promote a consistent, world's best practice approach to cycle network and route planning throughout New Zealand. It sets out a process for deciding what cycle provision, if any, is desirable and where it is needed.
The guide is intended to help people involved in cycle planning to develop cycle networks that contribute to the outcomes required by the New Zealand Transport Strategy and the national walking and cycling strategy. It will also help people preparing regional and local cycling strategies.