Webinar: the business case for improving cycling infrastructure

I am pleased to announce that after watching Kelly Brough, President and CEO of the Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce give a dynamic keynote at the recent Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals (APBP) Professional Development Seminar, she has agreed to do a 20 November Noon Webinar just for a Kiwi audience.

I don't need to tell you that when talking about moving forward with a positive cycling agenda how important it is to have a range of community and business leaders not just on board, but partners in the journey. Helping NZ Chambers of Commerce to understand why cycling is good for business is part of that process. That is why Spokes Dunedin and the University of Otago School of Business Department of Marketing are partnering to make this happen. There is no registration cost for this webinar and all persons are welcome to join in.

Hank Weiss, Spokes Dunedin
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RSVP: http://tinyurl.com/jwo73xf
COMPUTER PRE-TEST: http://tinyurl.com/n23qof7
JOIN WEBINAR ON 20th Nov 2013: http://tinyurl.com/lymh9dh

If you are in Wellington, Cycle Aware Wellington is hosting the webinar on the big screen.
Please join us at the Sustainability Trust, 4 Forresters Lane (opposite Tory St Bunnings).
12-1, Wed 20 November.


PDF icon Kelley Denver COC Webinar.pdf356.67 KB