Media Releases

Today, the cell phone ban while driving comes into force. Cycling Advocates' Network (CAN) congratulates the government for this road safety initiative.

CAN has long been asking for such a ban. "We have made submissions to Government for years on this topic, as it's such a no-brainer. If you want to get the road toll down, then this is one of the really simple initiatives", says CAN technical adviser Andrew Macbeth. Our policy on the matter can be found on our website.

The Cycling Advocates Network (CAN) is calling for a stop to cyclist-bashing on the roads and in the media. CAN's call comes after four cyclists were injured last week on Auckland's Tamaki Drive when a car failed to stop at a stop sign. Public and media response to the crash frequently featured abuse of cyclists.

The Ministry of Tourism has released a report showing a National Cycleway could double cycle tourism revenue from $320 million to $640 million per year. 

iNTERRUPTED... more to come! 

Cycling Advocates Network (CAN) is calling on all cyclists to hit the roads on Tuesday 22nd  September 2009 as part of a global event where people take a holiday from their cars. CAN calls on people to go by cycle, foot, bus or train instead of driving - starting with just this one day.
The Cycling Advocates' Network (CAN) supports the first National Cycleway projects announced yesterday by Prime Minister John Key.

CAn Cycle Friendly Awards Smiley

Nominations have just been opened for the CAN Cycle-Friendly Awards 2009.  Kiwis are being asked to put forward their favourite cycling projects or cycling champions for the Awards.

Wellington cyclists are applauding the Wellington City Council's decision to invest nearly $5 million in cycling and walking.

Wellington City Council’s new 10-year plan includes $4,750,000 to invest in a cycling and walking network, including the proposed Great Harbour Way.

The Cycling Advocates Network (CAN) is pleased to announce the launch of a new cycling safety vest.

"Our safety vest is bright orange, with a reflective strip to the rear. You can be sure that other road users will see you a mile away!" says CAN spokes person Stephen McKernon.

The Cycling Advocates Network (CAN) welcomes the Government’s decision to allocate $50 million over three years to start the New Zealand Cycleway Project.

The Cycling Advocates' Network (CAN) welcomes the Government’s decision to allocate $50 million over three years to start the New Zealand Cycleway Project.

With daylight saving heralding changes in riding conditions, cyclists are being urged to light up and brighten up. Cycling Advocates' Network (CAN) spokesman Stephen McKernon says, “Cyclists should light up for morning, evening, and bad weather riding. Cycling fatalities have declined over recent years, at the same time as high-visibility riding gear and brighter lights have become more popular. Safety-focused atttitudes and good safety equipment work."