The Cycling Advocates Network (CAN) is pleased to announce the launch of a new cycling safety vest.

"Our safety vest is bright orange, with a reflective strip to the rear. You can be sure that other road users will see you a mile away!" says CAN spokes person Stephen McKernon.

"You can also be sure to be the most stylish rider around, whether you are riding to work or on a long weekend ride. The vest has been specially designed for CAN by Ultimo Clothing. It is in the CAN orange, and features a CAN logo on the front. The  car-repelling message on the back reads 'Think globally, cycle locally' ", says McKernon.

"With this vest, you can't be on the road and not be noticed! This is a sure way to be safe and stylish while also promoting CAN." 

The first official trial of the vest was at the great Auckland Harbour Bridge crossing, where a number of riders tested the vest in extreme protest conditions. 

"It worked like a dream", says McKernon "people were coming up to me and asking where they could get it. It's a total success."

The vest comes in XS, S, M, and L sizes and has three rear pockets. Members can purchase one for $100 and non-Members for $120 (prices include GST). The new vest can be viewed and ordered on the Shop page of CAN's website (

Release Date: 
Monday, 8 June, 2009