WCC calling for submissions on lowering the speed limits in Oriental Bay, Miramar

WCC is calling for submissions on lowering the speed limits in Oriental Bay, Northern Miramar Peninsula, and Miramar, Seatoun and Strathmore Park Parking Areas - due 1 April.  CAW should make a submission: volunteers?

We have previous submissions that can be reworked.

Groups audience: 


Please comment - due for submission 1 April

Research, and experience for example in the Golden Mile, indicates that lower speed reduces the frequency and severity of crashes
Lower vehicle speeds increase the confidence of pedestrians and bicyclists, making use of sustainable transport more attractive.
Lower speed limits are a very cost effective safety measure.
The lower speed limit areas, such as Aro Valley, that have been introduced have not created problems, and have been welcomed by residents.

Oriental Bay:
Proposed limit is close to average speed, and impact on travel time will be minimal.
Lower speeds will facilitate vehicles exiting from side streets, and the Freyberg parking area.
An attraction of Oriental Bay is the cafes on either side of the road so that pedestrians are frequently needing to cross to get to the shared cycle/walkway and the beach; lower speed limits will make this safer.

Northern Miramar Peninsula Coastal Route
The nature of this route is that is not a through route, and any reduction in travel time will not be important.
This is a key part of the Great Harbour Way/ Te Aranui o Pōneke, and lower speeds will make the route more attractive to walkers and cyclists.
While this is not part of the current proposal, it would be good to see this route as shared space where pedestrians, bicyclists and motor vehicles coexist. A useful initiative would be to occasionally close the road to motor vehicles, for example on one Sunday a month.

Miramar, Seatoun and Strathmore Park shopping areas

These areas will be more attractive to shoppers if they become a low speed environment where pedestrians can easily cross roads
Lower speed limits will encourage nearby residents to walk or bicycle to the shops, encouraging the use of sustainable transport for short trips.


I think we ought to be a bit more "pushy" on this issue. If the new council is so bike-friendly, then we need an even lower speed limit, segregated bike lanes, reverse angle parking, etc. I was hit by a car on Oriental Parade two years ago (Sorry mate, but I assure you I signalled, at least for a second), I've suffered from the back ever since. I can't stand this situation where things are not actually improving. The GHW is nothing if you have to ride side by side with cars, especially in an area where some drivers will enjoy the view more than concentrate on driving. Lots of European cities already have a 30kph limit citywide, this 40kph proposal sounds odd in the global environment Wellington seeks, especially with a Green mayor. Excuse my French and my anger, but I was nearly hit yesterday night, and had another close call this morning. There's a problem with the driving culture of this country.

I've been forwarded an email from a roadie, arguing that lower speed limits and traffic calming measures (speed humps etc) make it difficult for competitive cyclists to keep up their average of 35-40km/hr. Any thoughts on this from people with more experience of competitive road cycling?

Final submissions have been placed in the CAW submission area.

On the speedy roadie question, we've said:

"We acknowledge that the 40km/hr limit could possibly limit the speed that competitive cyclists achieve on this popular route. We believe that this will be offset to some extent by a reduced need for traffic calming measures such as speed bumps, which disrupt peletons of cyclists. However the Council could consider the peninsula route as one where traffic rules are varied at scheduled times to facilitate non-motorised recreation: this could include closure to motor vehicles as suggested above, or higher speed limits for non-motorised users such as competitive cyclists."