
Does the law treat killing a cyclist seriously enough? (UK)

Blame is hard to prove, but campaigners argue trifling penalties gives little incentive for drivers to change their behaviour

Is a £200 fine and three points on your licence an appropriate punishment for killing a cyclist on the road? According to Kingston magistrates' court, where last month Joao Lopes pleaded guilty to "driving while eyesight was such that you could not comply with the requirements of a prescribed eye test", it is.

Cyclist/Truck Road Protocol

Between Cycle Tour Operators New Zealand (CTONZ) and Road Transport Forum New Zealand (RTFNZ)

As of October 2008 CTONZ & the Road Transport Forum New Zealand (RTFNZ) have an agreement in principle on a protocol for the on road relationship between truck drivers & cycle touring groups. Both organisations recognise that they share the road and, as such have responsibilities towards each other and a common goal, to reduce the number of incidents between cyclists and trucks on our roads.