frocks on bikes

Wheel Stylish fashion show

Wheel Stylish fashion show
Wheel Stylish is the pinnacle event of Wellington's Frocktober.
It's an event like nothing else: a full fashion show where the runway is a cycle path.

The worlds of fashion and bicycles came together on Thursday 17th November in Wheel Stylish, a fashion show celebrating the winning combination of stylish clothing, women and bicycles.

Cyclewear: Get into the right gear

There used to be a time when culture and cycling were not words you'd expect to use together (way back around the same time coffee was just a hot drink). But, what was once a mode of transport (or an obscure sport for skinny guys with shaved legs) has become a hot culture, with tribes and sub-tribes.

Naturally, each has its own wardrobe. And some even subscribe to a manifesto.