
Retroreflector Tie A Bright Entry in Seoul Cycle Design Competition

The Retroreflector Tie by Jasna Sokolovic and Noel O'Connell is a somewhat subtle fashion statement for the safety-minded cyclist. And it is one of thousands of entries in Designboom's Seoul Cycle Design Competition 2010. For this tie, the designers wanted to add something useful to the options on store shelves for reflective clothing for cyclists -- something that was more than just functional. It's a statement many designers are making in a competition sure to add more flare to a functional activity -- getting to work on two wheels.

Cyclewear: Get into the right gear

There used to be a time when culture and cycling were not words you'd expect to use together (way back around the same time coffee was just a hot drink). But, what was once a mode of transport (or an obscure sport for skinny guys with shaved legs) has become a hot culture, with tribes and sub-tribes.

Naturally, each has its own wardrobe. And some even subscribe to a manifesto.