2 WALK and CYCLE Conference

Nelson is a community on the move and is considered by many as the walking and cycling capital of New Zealand. You have the opportunity to experience how active transport can succeed in New Zealand by being part of the second 2WALKandCYCLE Conference.

We invite you to join us at the conference and:

meet fellow professionals
be inspired by New Zealand success stories
share in the 2014 walking and cycling awards of excellence
learn from international technical experts
see the latest design technology and innovations
take part in practical field trips.

Come along and experience how the 9% modal share of cycling and 10% modal share of walking shapes the Nelson community.

This conference will also showcase the recently opened regional NZ Tourism Great Taste Cycle Trail.



Are they working on this year's event? Mostly they works on it every April and now May is near end and still nothing hear from them.