Vote Bike 2023

Do you want safe and attractive cycling in New Zealand? Vote bike.

No matter what kind of riding you are into, now is the time to take action.

The General Election is coming. Election Day is Saturday 14 October. You can vote early if you prefer. Advance voting starts on Monday 2 October.
More than 1.5 million people in NZ ride bikes. Let's demand safe and attractive streets.

How you can help

Check your enrolment
Vote for the party and candidate who best reflects your views on biking.

Get informed

Here's Bike Auckland's voting guide.
Check out the Climate Club's
2023 General Election Guide.

Here's links to transport policies from each party. Some haven't released policies yet.
- 20 August. On TVNZ Q&A, National's transport spokesperson Simeon Brown says spending on walking and cycling should "flat-line" rather than increase.

Te Pati Maori

Here's some analysis.
Gordon Campbell, 1 August, on Scoop:
On National’s 20th Century Transport Policy, And Labours’ Woes

Greater Auckland
Talk Wellington
Public Health Comminiation Centre: Where do the parties stand? A low carbon, healthy transport system?

Team up with other cycling advocates. Check here to contact people in your area.
You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Join CAN. There's power in numbers.
Make a donation. Most of what we achieve is done by volunteers but we need your support to run an office, produce Chainlinks, support our website and campaign for cycling.

Get informed
Check out what parties have to say about cycling. Invite candidates to a meeting and ask about their priorities. Invite them on a ride for a first-hand look at cycling issues.

Tell your story
Talk to others about why riding a bike is important to you. What do you love about it, and what could be better.

Ask questions
1. What are your transport policies?
2. What have you done, and will you do, to make <my town> more bike-friendly?
3. Do you support safer speed limits (30 kmh) in shopping and residential streets?
4. Do you support making room for on-road cycle lanes or separated cycle facilities, even it it means moving parking spaces?

Be the voice for the climate and better transport at election campaign meetings
Here's a guide from the Climate Club to asking politicians the hard questions




I'm so happy to be part of this campaign. All the best! 

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By actively participating in the electoral process and advocating for cycling-friendly policies, you can contribute to creating safer and more attractive streets for cyclists in New Zealand. Fairfield industrial contractors

This message empowers individuals to actively participate in the political process and advocate for safer and more attractive cycling options in New Zealand. Cincinnati SEO company