Donate to CAN today

Don’t you hate it when they pass you too close?
Do you wish there were more attractive and safe cycleways?
Would you like to see more cycling opportunities for children?


CAN is the only group that maintains an office and staff in Wellington to argue the case for better cycling provision for all New Zealanders.

To keep the pressure on key decision-makers and officialdom we urgently need your donations. Donations of any size are welcomed, but regular contributions by automatic payment are particularly useful as they enable us to plan. CAN is a registered charity, so donations made to CAN are tax deductible, and, if your employer offers payroll giving, you can donate to CAN straight from your pay. Please ask your employer about this.


CAN’s bank account details are: Cycling Advocates Network, Kiwibank 38-9005-0922435-16, please use Donation as your reference and follow up with an email to

Your support makes a huge difference.

Thanks, and cycle on, Alex Dyer, CAN Chair

Donate to CAN 

CAN is a registered charity

Your donation is tax deductible as Cycling Action Network (Incorporated) (CAN) is a registered charitable entity (CC36909) under the Charities Act 2005. Refer to the Charities Register. You may be interested to read our Donor Bill of Rights