Meeting Notes & Minutes

Meeting Notes - CAN/BikeNZ & Harry Duynhoven

In attendance:
Hon Harry Duynhoven
Robert Ibell (CAN)
Jane Dawson (CAN)
John Willmer (Bike NZ)
Megan Beecroft (MoT)
David Eyre (MoT)
Iain McAuley (MoT)
Russell Bates (Office of Hon Duynhoven)
Apologies – Hon Annette King
Minutes of meeting
CAN/Bike NZ indicated the meeting was a result of the two recent accidents involving cyclists and motorists. CAN/Bike NZ believe these accidents could have been avoided if key recommendations it has long been advocating had been adopted – CAN/Bike NZ want to know why these recommendations haven’t been adopted.
UPDATE (25/09/2008): See attachment (below) containing the Minister King's Possible Responses to CAN 9 Point Plan.

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