RCA meeting minutes 14 October 2008

RCA meeting minutes 14 October 2008

Minutes of the meeting of Rotorua Cycle Action 14 October 2008

Apologies received from:
Mark, Juliette, Michelle Watson, Jenny Lux and Mark Buckley

Correspondence:  nothing brought up.

We had a presentation from Amy Fowler of Sport BOP on their proposal to use Rotorua  as a site for a SPARC funded cycling promotion program.

The presentation was well received with agreement from those present that if the program goes ahead we would be happy to support it.

Details will be circulated to RCA members when received from Sport BOP.
Sport BOP would like a letter of support from RCA.              Chris Lenth to draft.

Green Drinks - presentation 3 weeks away.
Eldad Collins to prepare a power point as a template
Mark Dyer & Willie Shaw to present.

Cycling in schools
We had a progress report from Willie Shaw. Willie & Lisa still working on it.

Chris Lenth  gave us a report on the going's on at the CANDo gathering in Christchurch.
Unfortunately time constraints cut this short. I sure Chris had many more insights from this event.
There was a digital strategy session which again highlighted CAN online resources.
Have a look at can.org.nz/Rotorua, create yourself an account and have a look around.
It was noted that CAN can host with our own domain name if we want but it was concluded that we should hold off on this since there is a cost and this would demand that we become a financial organisation.

It was suggested that we move our primary web presence to the CAN website and convert the RideRotorua.com entry to a static link.

Clarrie to contact riderotorua.com requesting sign-ups to date.

Tactical Issues
Nothing new.
Clarrie to document our existing list prior to the next meeting .

Chris Lenth to pass on correspondence etc to another member prior to running off to Portugal.

Clarrie to send out a draft agenda and reminder notice for the next meeting since Chris will be away.

Actions required highlighted in bold type above.

Next meeting Tuesday 11th Nov 2008, 5:30 at the Pig & Whistle.
Note: This will be the last meeting till February 2009 so please try and get along if you can.

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