CAN AGM minutes 2010

CAN AGM minutes 2010

Date: 30 October 2010, 5:15 PM

Venue: Petone Central School, Petone, Lower Hutt

1. Attendance and apologies

  • Present: Robert Ashe, John Baldwin, Brent Barrett, Mark Bracey, Paul Bruce, Christine Cheyne, Pippa Coom, Adrian Croucher, Julie Dalziel, Jane Dawson, Dirk de Lu, Robin Edgley, Anne Fitzsimon, Lou Gallagher, Nicola Gaston, Tom Halliburton, Illona Keenan, Terry Kelly, Bernie Kelly, Simon Kennett, Glen Koorey, Graeme Lindup, Robin List, Andrew Macbeth, Jonah Marinovich (guest), Jane Mehaffey, Liz Mikkelsen, Patrick Morgan, Jena Niquidet, Marilyn Northcotte, Dion O'Neale, Claire Pascoe, Jane Pearce, Tom Ransom (guest), Jos Ruiter, Gilbert Sanseau, Gaz Sanvicens, Kirsten Shouler, Merrett Smith (guest), Chris Teo-Sherrell (guest), Jane Wade, Hank Weiss, Gerry Westhuis, Fiona Whero, Stephen Wood, Bill Wright
  • Apologies: John Cockrem, Robert Ibell, Barb Insull, Paul Shortland, Axel Wilke

2. Minutes of 2009 AGM

Were accepted. Proposed: Christine, seconded: Graeme.

3. Matters arising

Reviewing election of officers: last year there was not enough time for members to review nominations. This year a separate nomination form was provided and details of all nominations were posted on the CAN website.

Andrew moved that this solution be accepted; seconded: Dirk.

4. Office holders' reports:

a) Chairperson's report

Graeme posted a copy of the chair's report on the CAN website, and summarised its contents for the meeting.  
CAN's three-year networking project (started in 2007) came to a close at the end of June 2010. A final report has been submitted to NZTA. NZTA supplied CAN with another $30,000 for a further three-month project- different work, with a focus on safety, educational programme, speed reduction, and resources provided to road user groups e.g. bus drivers. 
Now looks like NZTA funding may not continue, so we may have to move back to not having staff. 
Priorities for coming year- CAN Top 3 Focus Areas are still a priority, but will mostly be done by volunteers. This will be challenging, and a different environment from what we've had in the last few years, but similar to the situation prior to 2007. Will have to manage volunteer effort carefully. 
Have had hard working staff, and achieved a lot this year. Thanks to Fiona, Patrick, Alex, and the CAN committee. It's been an enjoyable year- Graeme started just on the committee, then became chair later. Still looking forward to working in 2011. 
Barbara Cuthbert commented that she believes we are at a tipping point in cycling- a year ago all cycling news was negative, now mainly positive. 
Andrew Macbeth pointed out that although government funding for CAN is down, there is an upbeat flavour in local government since the local body elections- we need to capitalise on this. 
Simon Kennett asked what we would have to change to keep a CAN office open with a part-time staff member (say 5 hours a week). This hasn't really been investigated yet. 
CAN has been in talks with NZTA regarding another big project, focused on school safety- but this hasn't come to fruition yet. There may still be funding available for working on a project basis. 
Also have a fundraising programme in place (run by Anne Fitzsimon)- but would need greatly increased regular donations to support staff. 
Stephen Wood commented that we need to weigh up the costs and benefits of having staff. Barb Cuthbert pointed out that there may be consultancy opportunities from the creation of the Auckland 'Supercity'- possibly also in Wellington with the new mayor? NZ is a small country, and can be viewed as one market. May need a subcommittee to investigate? 
Chris Teo-Sherell suggested it might be better to spend money on staff time rather than rental space. Jonah Marinovich said that a physical location can help empower the volunteer base. Hank Weiss asked if we have we contacted the CAN membership about the funding situation, and asked for donations. We have run an appeal this year but not since the financial situation changed. Anne Fitzsimon said we have been working on getting the CiviCRM contact relationship management system going, which will help us to send an appeal to Friends of CAN. Andrew Macbeth suggested we try partnership with members first, and then local government? Barbara Cuthbert also suggested possibilities with BikeNZ. 
New CAN committee to urgently take up suggestions from this discussion. Motion: that CAN review its operations and collaborative funding opportunities with the intention to retain a CAN office in Wellington and a staff resource in 2011 and beyond. Proposed: Andrew Macbeth, seconded: Barbara Cuthbert. Carried unanimously.Committee

b) Treasurer's report

Liz tabled the Treasurer's report including finances and the audited financial statements to 30 June. 
The last three years have been more complex financially because of the Networking Project and other NZTA projects. Donations have been up: $7845 donations received, with $3630 from the annual appeal. Thanks to all who contributed. Liz said she is proud we can keep staff on until 31 December this year- this is because we saved $42,000 from the Networking Project, due to in-kind contributions of volunteers. 
Gerry Westhuis said she liked the fact that in the financial reports it's clearly stated that CAN is a membership organisation. 
Term deposits have also helped the finances- plus some specific donations for e.g. Harbour campaign in Wellington, and reparation payments from the Ministry of Justice. 
Could local groups help to get funding for CAN, from local sources? 
Thanks to auditors Ainger Tomlin for audits over the last 2 years. Glen moved that the same auditors be appointed next year; seconded: Christine. 
Liz is stepping down from the CAN committee- the end of 14 years advocacy with CAN- and is moving on to do other things. But will certainly keep cycling. Best wishes to her successor. 
Pippa Coom pointed out the significant cost of the Chainlinks magazine, and suggested we need to look at cost-effective alternatives. This is to be discussed at the Communications session later in the CAN Do. 
Stu Edwards suggested there might be opportunities for funding from the health sector. 
Net assets at the end of 2010 will be about $26,000. Patrick advised we also have about $10,000 worth of contract funding coming in before the end of the year. 
Hank Weiss asked how much money our local advocacy groups have. We don't know exactly- most groups probably have $500-$5000. There are 12-15 groups. Could they contribute financially to help maintain the momentum of CAN? 
Anne Fitzsimon proposed a vote of thanks to Liz for her efforts as treasurer. 
Liz proposed the two sets of audited accounts be accepted- carried unanimously. 

5. Election of officers

Nominations received for officers' position have been up posted on the CAN website.  
Chairperson: Graeme Lindup- proposed by Graeme Lindup, seconded: Jane Dawson. Elected unopposed.  
Treasurer: Bill Wright- proposed by Liz Mikkelsen, seconded: Illona Keenan. Elected unopposed.  
Secretary: Adrian Croucher- proposed by Adrian Croucher, seconded: Glen Koorey. Elected unopposed.  
Other committee positions: Glen Koorey, Jane Dawson, , Anne Fitzsimon- self-nominated, seconded: Christine Cheyne.  Stephen Wood: proposed by Fiona Whero, seconded: Liz Mikkelsen. Elected unopposed.  

6. Notices of motion

a) Membership fees

Proposed to update the CAN membership fees: "That from 1 January 2011 CAN's membership fees are set at $20 (unwaged), $35 (waged), $40 (family), $85 (supporting organisation) and the local group member levy for groups who do their own administration of membership is set at $12, affiliated group levy $17."  
Background: Our membership rates were set a few years back on the basis of covering the cost of Chainlinks. When GST rises to 15% in October 2010, CAN is going to be hit with a reduction in income because our memberships are inclusive of GST. At the same time, our expenses (printing, postage etc) will rise, leaving us with a shortfall - and no money to do our advocacy work with.  
Discussion: Pippa Coom said she was hoping Chainlinks would be discontinued (at least in hard copy form), which would make fee increases unnecessary. Simon Kennett said he still saw some advantage in having the hard copy version for advocacy purposes. Illona Keenan also reported good feedback on the hard copy of Chainlinks. Simon Kennett suggested there was still room to increase advertising in Chainlinks, to help cover costs. Stephen Wood suggested that the question at hand is really how much funding do we want to have available- a decision separate from the Chainlinks question. Stu Edwards said he considered Chainlinks very good value, and that fee increases would be necessary anyway just to keep pace with inflation.  
Barbara Cuthbert suggested we could investigate having a sliding scale for supporting organisation fees, based on size. Committee to look into this. Committee
Proposed by Liz Mikkelsen; seconded: Jane Dawson. In favour: 28, against: 4. Abstaining: 2. Carried.  

b) Lifetime membership payment option

Proposed to set fees for lifetime membership of CAN: "That the lifetime membership fee be set at twenty (20) times the equivalent current membership fee for unwaged (retired persons only), waged, family, or supporting organisations."  
Background: At the 2009 AGM, CAN approved a new "lifetime membership" subscription; however we did not set what the fee for this would be. The purpose of the new lifetime membership is to provide some administrative convenience to members and some financial certainty to CAN. The proposed fee has now been determined by an economic analysis of the costs to CAN and its members, taking into account inflation, investment interest rates, and expected membership durations. The proposed fees mean that, for example, a person normally paying a $30 annual subscription may choose to pay 30x20 = $600 instead as a one-off lifetime subscription. Unwaged members currently unemployed are not able to pay an equivalent lifetime unwaged fee; however retired persons may do so. Note that the entire payment would be deemed subscription and not part-donation; however lifetime members would still be able to make further donations to CAN if desired.  
Discussion: At the 2009 AGM it was suggested that lifetime memberships could be treated as a standard membership plus donation (for tax purposes)- agreed this is not a good use of the donation category. Irrespective of the lifetime membership category, it is still possible for members to pay multi-year subscriptions. Lifetime membership is not intended as a money-saver for members- it has to be cost-neutral for CAN.  
Proposed: Liz Mikkelsen; seconded: Jane Dawson. Carried unanimously.  

c) Cycling conference funds

Proposed to set up separate bank accounts for the cycling conference funds: "That CAN maintains and administers two bank accounts for the sole purpose of running the biennial NZ Cycling Conference series, and that the funds currently held in trust for the Conference are transferred into those accounts."  
Anne Fitzsimon proposed that this motion be discussed; seconded: Dirk de Lu. Carried unanimously.  
Jane gave the background to this motion. Currently the conference funds stand at approximately $45,000.  
Clarified that no extra bank fees will be incurred from this proposal, as it would be set up as a term deposit.  
Proposed: Illona Keenan, seconded: Gerry Westhuis. Carried unanimously.  

Meeting closed 6:55 PM.

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