CAN AGM minutes 2009

CAN AGM minutes 2009

Minutes from the 2009 CAN Annual General Meeting, held in New Plymouth on 14 November.

Date: 14 November 2009, 4 PM

Venue: Bellringer Pavilion, Pukekura Park, New Plymouth

1. Attendance and apologies

  • Present: Adrian Croucher, Liz Mikkelsen, Glen Koorey, Axel Wilke, Leigh Marshall, Steve Southall, Dirk de Lu, Robbie Price, Graeme Lindup, Stephen Wood, Claire Pascoe, Bernie Kelly, Jeremy Dunningham, Paul Bruce, Robert Ibell, John Maclaren, Chris Lenth, Tony King-Turner, Christine Cheyne, Ann Watson, John Cockrem, Alastair Smith, Max de Lacey, Tom Halliburton, Jane Mehaffey, Ernst Watts, Julie Dalziel, Brent Barrett, John Lieswyn, Andrew Macbeth, Sally McAra, John Baldwin, Jane Dawson, Tom Ransom, Robin Edgley, Jan Nisbet, Pippa Coom, Paul Shortland, Mark Roberts, Barb Insull, Barb Cuthbert, Paul Doherty, Paul McArdle, Max Neumegen, Mark Bracey, Gaz Sanvicens, Anne Fitzsimon, Fiona Whero, Kirsten Shouler, Patrick Morgan
  • Apologies: Bevan Woodward, Roger Boulter, Mark Dyer, Rex Croucher, Andrew Couper, Keith Turner, Pravin Dayaram

2. Minutes of 2008 AGM

Were accepted. Proposed: Axel, seconded: Graeme Lindup.

3. Matters arising

Change of CAN financial year to 30 June: it was too late for Liz to change this when it came to her in July (would have meant having to do an extra set of accounts). Liz suggests not acting on this now until CAN general and networking project accounts have been amalgamated. Other organisations have various balance dates anyway- can't match them all. Also may be going to change to a rolling membership year (see motions below).

4. Office holders' reports:

a) Chairperson's report

Glen reported on his year as co-chair. The Networking Project annual report has a good summary of year's activity.
Looking to the future- what happens after end of NZTA funding? Commercialisation project- looked at options early in the year, strategic weekend session with Living Streets. Has been parked now as a result of CAN restructuring- need to identify which initiatives we might still do. Still useful to go back to.
A lot is involved working in CAN right now, but Glen has enjoyed the challenge, and thanks fellow executive and other CAN members who put time in when he hasn't been able to, especially co-chair Axel.
Axel: Networking project has been very successful, lifted the game, and resulted in more submissions to councils. This can also be frustrating because government has reduced funding at the same time. Thanks to networking project staff, and CAN exec.
Thanks to Robert for keeping both co-chairs 'honest' and pushing them along. Thanks also to other core people, Stephen Wood, Miriam Richardson, Ritsuko Ogawa and many others.
Glen moved that the chairs' report be passed; seconded: Robbie Price. Carried.

b) Treasurer's report

Liz tabled the Treasurer's report including finances.
How are conference funds handled? Currently in CAN general account. Eventually a trust will be set up to hold them. Should CAN in fact 'own' the conference? Need to continue to try to emphasise that it's not an 'advocates' conference, but a professional conference (the CAN Do is now the main gathering for advocates). Also strengths in keeping other agencies involved (e.g. NZTA, MoH).
This year we have become a registered charity- this is a real win.
Membership income is going OK- not so good on merchandise.
Groups have been using the CAN local group funding.
Could groups get donations via CAN and then get them back? potentially- though we would need to formulate a policy.
Liz proposed that the treasurer's report be accepted; seconded: Dirk de Lu. Carried.

5. Election of officers

Proposed CAN restructuring should not require any constitutional changes.
Chairperson: have received one expression of interest from Bevan Woodward. Proposed: Glen, seconded: Barb Cuthbert. Andrew Macbeth proposed Graeme Lindup (without media role), seconded: Jane Dawson- as co-chair arrangement, or could delegate media to media spokesperson. Bevan elected unopposed.
Treasurer: Glen proposed Liz; seconded: Axel. Elected unopposed.
Secretary: Liz proposed Adrian; seconded: Dirk. Elected unopposed.
Rest of committee: Glen (proposed: Anne; seconded: Liz), Jane (proposed: Glen; seconded: Barb Insull), Stephen Wood (proposed: Liz; seconded: Robbie Price)- declined, Graeme (proposed: Robert; seconded: Andrew Macbeth), Anne (proposed: Barb Insull; seconded: Robert), Christine (proposed: Glen; seconded: Liz)
Andrew Macbeth proposed that nominations be closed; seconded: Dirk. Carried.

6. Notices of motion

a) Rolling annual membership

Proposed to amend Clause 3.3 in the CAN Rules: "Subscription fees and the date on which they shall be payable shall be determined at each Annual General Meeting for the ensuing year. The date subscriptions are due for Affiliated Membership may be set to coincide with the subscription date of the Affiliated Organisation" to: "Subscription fees payable shall be determined at each Annual General Meeting for the ensuing year. Fees are payable each year on the anniversary of joining CAN. The date subscriptions are due for Affiliated Membership may be set to coincide with the subscription date of the Affiliated Organisation."
Proposed by Glen; seconded: Andrew Macbeth. Carried unanimously.

b) Lifetime membership payment option

Proposed to add new Clause 3.5 to the CAN Rules: "Any member may at any time elect to pay a one-off lifetime membership subscription instead of an annual subscription. Following payment of a lifetime subscription, no further subscription payments are due by that member to retain full membership of CAN."
Price could be made low, but coupled with a large donation (to offset tax for the member). However, don't need to set subscriptions now- just create membership class for future use.
Proposed by Glen; seconded: Robbie Price. Carried (with 2 votes against and the remainder for).
Glen moved that all membership fees for the coming year remain unchanged. Carried unanimously.
Fee for lifetime membership to be investigated further (lifetime membership category to remain inactive until fee is set).

c) Honorary life member category

Proposed to add new Clause 3.2.5 to the CAN Rules: "Honorary Life Membership - Honorary Life Membership of CAN shall recognise any individual member or affiliated member of CAN who has rendered exceptional and extended service to cycling advocacy in New Zealand and particularly the work of CAN. Any member who has made a very significant contribution as described above may be nominated for Honorary Life Membership of CAN by the Committee, with approval by resolution passed by two-thirds majority of those present or linked by conference call at a General Meeting. Following granting of honorary life membership, no further subscription payments are due by that member to retain full membership of CAN."
Change selection process to committee meeting rather than AGM? Or recommended by committee and proposed at AGM, to get support of wider membership.
Should be reserved for CAN members not on current committee?
Might pay to look at other organisations and how they implement this type of membership.
May also need to limit the numbers of honorary life members.
Could elect honorary life members via one-off motions, as Cycle Action Auckland has done for Kurt Brehmer.
Agreed that this motion needs more work- withdrawn.

7. Any other business

Need to review election of officers- not enough time for nominations at the AGM. Could separate nominations process from elections- form a nominating committee? New CAN committee to investigate this. Could also introduce a nomination form template. Committee
Thanks from the membership for Glen and Axel co-chairing this year.

Meeting closed 5:45 PM.

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