*CAN Annual Report 2009 questionnaire for Local Groups*

*CAN Annual Report 2009 questionnaire for Local Groups*

*Cycling advocacy group name ROTORUA CYCLE ACTION
*1. Members and meetings*
How many members in the core group? 50 registered members, ~10 dedicated advocates

Does the group meet regularly? Yes How often? Monthly
Who have you had along to speak to the group at meetings? Kirsten Shouler from CAN came in March for an introduction / catch-up and a Bikewise debrief, Sally-Anne Daniel and Penny McCormick came along to talk about a lakefront path  from Sulfur Point to Hannas Bay
*2. Activities, events, projects*
What activities has the group been involved in? RDC Sustainable Transport Demonstration, Green Drinks Presentation, Bikewise (Mayoral Challenge, Go By Bike Day, Business Battle)
What events and projects have you run? Critical Mass Ride on GoByBike Day (18 Feb), Valentines BikeLove Swap Meet, 
*3. Media*
What media coverage have you had? Several mentions in Daily Post promotions for Bikewise Month
 *4. Submissions*
What submissions have you made? Rotorua District Council LTCCP 10 year plan 2009, Environment Bay of Plenty Land Transport Programme.
these submissions can be found at: can.org.nz/rotorua
*5. Funding*
What funding have you applied for / received during the year? CAN-Do travel funding (Chris Lenth), 
something about East side schools project here or below (7)? 
*6. Wins*
What successes have you had? Completion of link path between Scott Street and Ward Avenue resulting from linkages with RDC regarding tactical issues
*7. Other comments* One RCA member regularly attends local Drivewise group huis

*8. Photos* (see attachments, filenames should provide suitable explanation for captions)

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