Update CAN Roles Page

Update CAN Roles Page

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Hi Richard, please update this page: http://cms.can.org.nz/can-roles With the following information: a) Add contact forms to new exec members who haven't got one. b) Change "Webmaster" to "Email & DNS Server Administrator" c) Add role "System Administrator" with contact form to your email d) Add role "Home Page Editor" - currently "vacant" Thanks! Andre



Sweet, done Andre.
I don't have the new exec members email addresses so I added their first name @can.org.nz

Please advise if I need to change.


I've opened this again. I've updated the label for the "Research Reference Group (NZTA)", as LTNZ no longer exists. I see that LTNZ is part of the category name. This can probably be simplified to "Research+Reference+Group"

Category name and link changed to "Research+Reference+Group".