
Is Cycling's Critical Mass in Critical Condition?

In Madrid last week, up to 3,000 cyclists slowed traffic to a grind in a few of the car-clogged central arteries of the capital city, but according to this blog, riders "made friends with drivers and pedestrians." Meanwhile, In Los Angeles, a Streetsblog report and YouTube clip shows at least one bike rider during a Critical Mass last week purposefully kicked or tripped by police standing by.

Don't Get In The Way Of The Monsterbike

Archimedes said "Give me a lever long enough and a place to stand on, and I can move the world." The modern version might be "give me gearing low enough and I can move the monsterbike." It would be the perfect thing for our teeth-rattling trenched and patched bike lanes, or for when an idiot opens a car door in front of you; just plough right through it.

On the other hand, steering looks a bit dicey.

It appears to come from the Netherlands, where it is nice and flat, perhaps a requirement for this bike. See video below

29 Parking Spaces To Turn Into Cycle Lanes

Nearly 30 parking spaces along Masterton's busiest stretch of road are about to be rubbed out to make way for cycle lanes.
The new lanes, running on both sides of the street between the town's northern and southern roundabouts, have just been signed off by the Masterton District Council. They will go in next month as part of a $200,000 Masterton cycling initiative by the New Zealand Transport Authority.