NZ Transport Agency Cycle Friendly Awards 2014 and 2WALKand2CYCLE Conference

NZ Transport Agency 2014 Cycle Friendly Awards
** 2014 Finalists now announced! **
** 2014 Winners now announced! **
NZ Transport Agency has joined with CAN to support cycling in NZ
2WALKandCYCLE Conference
Nelson is host to the 2 WalkandCycle Conference of which the Cycle Friendly Awards ceremony is a highlight. This year's bumper crop of nominations features the best efforts of government, business, local groups, and individuals to make cycling an attractive option.
This year's awards are held in conjunction with Living Streets Aotearoa's famed Golden Foot Awards. Celebrating walking as the activity each of us does daily the awards recognize best efforts nationwide.
2WALKandCYCLE Conference - Communities on the Move
Supporting the Conference theme of "Communities on the move" the thirty awards finalists show case real world examples of how cycling contributes to creating communities where people walk and cycle. Nelson with its 10% walking and 9% cycling modal share is a leading city in making cycling and walking friendly communities. Nelson shows what is possible. Like our finalists learn how to help your local authority to understand that walking and cycling:
- improve economic development, public health, and the environment
- promote community well-being
- enhance quality of life at the personal level
The award categories offer real world examples of what is being done in New Zealand to let people make the travel mode choices that suit their needs. Whatever your role or interest in furthering active transport you will find opportunities to learn and share from the diversity of people and initiatives represented.
Award categories:
1 ViaStrada Cycle Friendly Commitment by a Public Organisation
2 CAN Best Cycle Facility Project
3 CAN Best Cycling Promotion
4 CAN Cycle Friendly Commitment by a Business
5 CAN Cycle Champion
6 And the Special Auckland Transport Best Walking and Cycling Project Award
The Cycle Friendly Awards devised by the Cycling Advocates Network (CAN) in 2003 acknowledge and celebrate notable achievements promoting cycling and cycle-friendly communities.
Join with transport decision makers, advocates and other professionals at the 2WalkandCycle Conference 29-31 October.
Learn more and register at