Hutt Cycle Action
Presented by: Stu Edwards, Hutt Cycle Action
- It has been great having the CAN Do in their region - it put the new mayor on the spot!
- The group is a recent splinter from Cycle Aware Wellington.
Whanganui Green Bikes
Presented by: Jonah Marinovich, Whanganui Green Bikes
- Recently lost the bulk of their funding (from Lotteries, centred around involvement of the community).
- See themselves as doing advocacy by fixing up bikes for people.
- Held a 'ghost bike' rally for the German tourist who was killed by a truck driver.
- Still dealing with the follow-up, e.g. with coroner. Her relatives were pleased that locals cared.
- Held a Raleigh 20 rally in conjunction with the local museum - a fun community bike ride.
- Have some funding to do cycle skills training in schools.
Cycle Action Auckland
Presented by: Barb Cuthbert, Cycle Action Auckland
- Have a new mayor and are a super-city now.
- Held a think-tank last year to plan, and ideas from that have fed into this year's activities.
- Barb Insull in now on the BikeNZ Board.
- Has been a year of events - seem to have been endlessly going to openings!
- Cycle Action Auckland has a committee of 12-14, have one person who just writes submissions.
- Working with Fullers on bike maps for all areas the ferries go to.
- Holding Bike Wise month a month early to get people riding longer. This year there has been a 27% increase in cycling in the region, and 40% increase in the city.
- Held a team meeting about cycling as urban design, which was very successful and has an ongoing role.
- Holding a Cyclovia (cycle street) event before Xmas.
- The Cycle Chic event (Frocks On Bikes) was funded by CAAuckland.