The CAN Annual General Meeting will be held ONLINE, on Wednesday 13th December, at 7.30pm.
The Agenda for the AGM is below;
- Apologies.
- Approve minutes of previous meeting held online via Google Meet.
- Chairs Report.
- Treasurers Report.
- Receive and Accept for Submission the Financial Statements and Financial Performance Report (Charities Commission) for the year ended 31 June 2023.
- Project Manager report.
- Share the Road report.
- Other business as tabled in accordance with Rules.
(Note: Rule 5.8 states “Except by resolution of the meeting passed by two-thirds majority of those present or linked by conference call, no business shall be transacted at an Annual or Special General Meeting…)
- Election of board members - officer positions.
- Election of board members - regional representatives.
Rule 5.7: Members will be able to cast their vote in person, by fax, by mail, by e-mail or by a conference call link. Only votes received in time for each resolution will be counted. Voting by those present shall be by show of hands but any Member may demand a secret ballot.
Comment: if you are unable to attend the AGM but would like to vote, please email the Secretary indicating which item number you are voting for, and your voting preference.
Rule 5.9: Only financial Members of CAN are eligible to vote at an Annual or Special General Meeting or at the Annual Conference.
Comment: Please keep your membership current. Contact Adrian, Membership Secretary at if you have questions.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact the Secretary at
Wishing you tailwinds, and all the best for the upcoming summer of cycling!
Christopher Dempsey
Minutes of AGM
Held Online via Zoom
Meeting opened 7:30pm
Present Elain Wilkenson, Alex Dyer (Chair), Stephen Wood, John Lieswyn, Robert McLachlan, Patrick Morgan, Richard Barter (Note taker) Julian W, Martin Oelderink, George Laxton, Graeme, Anne Scott, Chris, Geoff Sudgen, Gillian Ward, Julian W, Karen Hormann, Christopher Dempsey, Laurie Renwick, Phil Bike Hamilton, Keith Edwards
- Apologies: Joy Burt, Claire Simpson, Derek Richardson
- Approve minutes of previous meeting held online via Google Meet.
Moved Christopher Dempsey, 2nd Alex Dyer - Chairs Report
Accepted Moved Christopher, 2nd John Agreed - Treasurers Report
Approved Moved Alex 2nd John Agreed - Receive and Accept for Submission the Financial Statements and Financial Performance Report (Charities Commission) for the year ended 31 June 2023.
- Project Manager report.
Accepted Moved Christopher 2nd Alex Agreed - Share the Road report.
Accepted Moved Chris 2nd Alex - Other business as tabled in accordance with Rules.
- That CAN keeps its memberships subscription at the current level.
Moved Stephen Wood, 2nd Chris, Agreed
- Election of board members - officer positions.
- Chair: Alex Dyer
Agreed - Treasurer: Gillian Ward
Nominated by Chris Lenth 2nd Alex Agreed - Secretary: Christopher Dempsey
Moved Alex 2nd Graeme Agreed
- Election of board members - regional representatives.
- North Island - Karen Hormann
Nominated by Christopher Moved Alex 2nd Christopher - Lower North Island - Robert McLachlan
Nominated by Alex Moved Alex 2nd Christopher - South Island – Contact South Island Groups to seek someone to be the South Island Rep at a Special General Meeting at the CAN Do.
- General Business – There was none
- Meeting Finished at 8:55pm