Find Solution for Local Groups Newsletters

Find Solution for Local Groups Newsletters

B - Medium
In the current implementation, someone has to have the Role Newsletter Editor to create newsletters like e.CAN. The role Newsletter Editor hasn't been given to anyone outside the CAN Exec as of now.

Someone who has this role can create any newsletters. 

Local groups willing to use the system to send their own Newsletters must have  someone from the group assigned to the role Newsletter Editor.

The problem is that someone with this role can send ANY newsletters - including e.CANs and any other newsletter from other local groups. This doesn't work for CAN.

In the next implementation cycle we should include this feature - possibly with funding from the Digital Strategy.


For the time being, a local group newsletter editor could request from Adrian and others who have the right permissions to send the local newsletter. As long as there's not just Adrian who has the sending privilege, this should work.