ARTA Guidance Note for Cycle Parking Facilities

1. Introduction

1.1 The Vision
The Auckland Regional Transport Authority (ARTA) is committed to facilitating the implementation of a Regional Cycling Network. The network has been developed in collaboration with all of the seven Auckland Territorial Local Authorities (TLA’s) and will comprise over 939km of connected cycle routes. The implementation of the regional cycling network will make cycling a safer and more attractive travel option thus working towards ARTA’s aim of doubling the number of cycle trips by the year 2016.

ARTA recognises that it is also important to ensure that there is regional consistency with facilities that will support the cycle network. Therefore, these guidelines have been developed in order to inform TLAs, education providers and private businesses/developers on how to and where to install bicycle parking.

> These guidelines summarise the different levels of bicycle parking which should be implemented within Auckland, and the requirements for the different types of bicycle parking. The guidelines also include a list of products available from local suppliers.

> Some TLAs would also like to ensure that all new developments include the provision for bicycle parking and other trip end facilities. Therefore, these guidelines provide a reference for TLAs until such time as these requirements are included in individual district plans.

see attached for full text

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