Minutes of RCA meeting 09/06/09

Minutes of RCA meeting 09/06/09

Minutes of RCA meeting (09/06/2009) :
-- also includes significant matters arising betwewn the meeting date and 29/06/09

Present: Willie Shaw, Chris Lenth, Eldad Collins
Apologies: David Crawley, Graeme Simpson, Clarrie Hall*, Ray Hewlett**

(and ex pos facto from Mark and Harm)

Agenda Items:
A. Strategic Issues
1) Submissions - Willie and Eldad gave feedback on the submission hearings they attended for Environment BOP and RDC, respectively. Both felt that submissions were well received and interestingly in both hearings there were comments from a panellist with regard to bicycles sharing footpaths. Chris raised the issue of what we need to do now as far as following up these submissions. There was some information about this included with the submission resources provided by CAN earlier in the year (Chris to chase up). {Subsequent to this meeting, Environment Waikato has released it’s draft Regional Walking and Cycling Strategy. This document can be perused at:  http://www.ew.govt.nz/Policy-and-plans/Draft-regional-walking-and-cyclin.... Submissions are being accepted until 3 August 2009. RCA should  put in a submission in support of this strategy with comments and suggested improvements where appropriate.}

2) RCA strategic plan - The idea of a strategic plan for RCA was tabled in the meeting that Kirsten attended earlier this year. It was felt that having a strategic plan would be useful for communicating our mission to others,  however it might impractical in light of the small size of our group. Willie suggested we look at the CAN strategic plan and adopted it whole or in parts as suits (Chris to do this). It was suggested that, in addition to submissions to relevant council plans and other routine advocacy, RCA should focus on one ‘big’ project at a time. For example the East Side Schools project is well underway, and with some effort significant progress can be made this year. Success with this initiative will be a big boost for RCA, lifting our profile in the community and with council, above and beyond the fact that it is a very good project to do.

3) Linkages / relationships with other groups, Health Sector, etc - Not much has been happening here and we do need to improve our relationships with other  local groups, especially cycling groups. Chris suggested that RCA encourage one or more of our members to infiltrate the other cycling groups in the area (RMTBC, RATS, road cyclists, BMX, …) and talk to them about RCA and what we do. We have emailed information to these groups in the past, but not much has come of it. We have also been in contact with some health sector groups, however these contacts should also be updated and reinforced.  

4) Drive wise - With Clarrie stepping back from RCA duties in order to focus on Ironman training, RCA needs a new face in the Drivewise circle. Previously Willie made the connection through  Cr. Dave Donaldson and presumably could do so again. Anyone keen to go along to an early morning meeting with this crew 1 x per month, please make yourself known.  

B. Tactical Issues
2) Okereka Loop Rd - Recent issues involving loose gravel on Ok. Loop Rd. and motorist speed there and along Tarawera Rd. have been brought to the attention of RDC. It is understood that the gravel issue is now resolved, however the response from RDC about speed limits suggests that they are unwilling to make changes in this area. Also coming out of this issue was suggestions of threatening behaviours and attitudes towards cyclists from truck drivers in this area. Eldad suggested that a few local cyclists call in on Moore Trucking for a meet and greet, with the idea that is often much harder to retain a negative opinion of someone once you have met them in person.

1)Link with RDC (is it working?) / 3) Better ways to capture (and action) important issues? - With some chasing up, RDC did give a considered response to the emailed comments regarding Ok Loop Rd. Thus raising such tactical issues with emails directed to cycling@rdc.govt.nz (cc to mark or chris) seems effective enough. It was suggested that we include the contact info for cycling issues at RDC in any future (regular?) correspondence with other cycling groups and that we strive to feature this information on the RCA website in the future. In his apologies for this meeting, Ray Hewlett mentioned that there was an excess of large loose gravel in the cycle lane on Te Ngae Rd b/w Pohutukawa Rd and the Te Ngae shopping centre. Chris gave Ray the contact information for cycling issues at RDC and agreed to raise the issue at the meeting.

C. Community
1) Update on Eastside school project - Willie gave us an update on this and not a lot is going on at the moment “needs a push”. Progress forward will be a) Willie to catch up with Lisa M at SportBOP and reassess status, b) finalise the documentation that is on progress, c) review the actions necessary for completion and d) outline the physical works (signage, painting) necessary to see the project through. The idea to involve the youth environment group was mentioned as was a suggestion to get businesses to sponsor components of the work involved. Other sources of funding discussed included CAN and various fundraising efforts. Willie is also going to chase up some recent research from the Otago region about kids cycling to school.

2) RCA fun rides? This idea was carried over from a previous meeting and refers to group rides that are separate from Critical Mass rides and more suitable for kids and beginners. No further commitment was made and it was deemed relevant to reiterate the fact that Sport BOP / RDC are still doing “Nervous Nigels and Nellies” clinics to build confidence for beginning riders. A discussion about Cycle Training followed, and with RCA promoting cycling to schools it is worth considering whether we should be more involved in cycling education. Chris has recently joined the CAN discussion group about cycle training and has plans to undertake training in the future to become a certified instructor.

D. Ongoing Business
1) Correspondence - inward mail:
19 March 2009 - EBoP regional walking and cycling strategy documentation
29 April 2009 - RDC - acknowledgment of submission
01 May 2009 - EBoP - acknowledgment of submission
24 June 2009 - EBoP - response to submissions to the BoP draft RLTP

Content posted on can.org.nz/rotorua (Date - [content type] Title):
20 March - [Article] National Cycleway: Route Planning
23 March - [Article] BOP regional cycling strategy
26 March - [Article] Partner Declaration (for CAN CMS expansion)
15 April - [Group Document] Minutes from RDC cycling Stragegy meeting of 11 Feb 09
15 April - [Submission] Submissions guide from health Sector
20 Apr 09 - [Presentation] Presentation of RDC 10 year plan
20 Apr 09 - [Group Document] RCA meeting minutes 17/03/09
20 Apr 09 - [Submission] Submission to RDC LTCCP regarding the Whakarewarewa forest
07 May 09 - [Submission] RCA Submission to RDC LTCCP 10 year plan (2009-2019)
07 May 09 - [Submission] CAWaik Submission to RDC LTCCP 10 year plan (2009-2019)
07 May 09 - [Submission] RCA Submission to EBoP Land Transport Programme
11 May 09 - [Article] Getacross Campaign Public Demonstration Sunday 24 May
18 May 09 - [Article] Creating the communities we want - one bicycle at a time
22 May 09 - [Report] *CAN Annual Report 2009 questionnaire for Local Groups*
02 Jun 09 - [Article] US Bike Sales Higher Than Car Sales in 2009
02 Jun 09 - [Meeting] RCA Meeting 9 June 2009
11 Jun 09 - [Report] Update on Cycling Works from RDC
12 Jun 09 - [Article] Movie screenings (Veer) as fundraisers for Cycle Advocacy
22 Jun 09 - [Article] Draft Environment Waikato Regional Walking and Cycling Strategy

2) Membership  / 3) Website -  We have not had any recent updates as to new members signed up to the RCA page on the RideRotorua website. Chris will chase this up again with Gregg B and Gaz. There are also lots of options for expanding the website at can/org.nz/rotorua, we just need a keen web developer to get into it.

4) Media - Having a media release associated with the Eastside School project was suggested. RCA also needs a logo and 2 options brought forward were hiring David Jones or having a ‘logo contest’ among the RCA membership. Chris is in the early stages of organising New Zealand screenings of 'VEER' [http://www.veerthemovie.com/] for local cycle advocacy groups.

E) New Business
1) Winter Critical Mass Ride - It was decided to have the next Critical Mass Ride on the west side of town on Thursday 09 July. Leaving from the Mobil Station on Clayton Rd at 8:00 am.
2) Meeting attendance was very low and talk about better days and times led to the suggestion that we have RCA meetings at lunchtime. Chris is going to check on availability of a meeting room at Scion.

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