What to put on the CAN homepage

What to put on the CAN homepage

Who has got any ideas as to how we should control what goes on the CAN homepage? Can all webmasters have a go? Should there be some people in charge who have the final call? And should there be different rules for things like the feature article?

Re: the Feature Article: ideally should be a Media Release, or the most important thing going on at the moment.

Re: how to control: CAN Exec members & staff have access to the node queue used to promote content to the front page, and to the Hot Topics block.

Re: the home page for anonymous user: currently only site admins have access to change it, and it requires some knowledge of how to use blocks. I wanted to make it easier for exec & staff to change, but apparently it can't be done at this stage.

Ok, who decide what "the most important thing going on at the moment" is? Can anybody who has access to this make a call? Or do we need to discuss this first before we change it?
I'm asking because when I once changed it, I had some frosty e-mail in my inbox asking as to why I had done this.

When we run a campaign, it may need to feature on the homepage in a prominent position (such as will be the case over the Election Campaign). One issue is making the space near the top, and another is managing content that might 'compete' for this space. it's no good if one person puts something important on and someone else can bump it off. Maybe Exec portfolio holders only can determine homepage content, and must consult with one another before taking someone's content off?

Suggest making it more visually appealing. Look at what Vorb has done, and how popular it is. Creating a truely enjoyable web experience and drawing in the members, will engage them and get them more connected and more involved. This will result in a stronger CAN.

Draw people in, get them involved in Forums, and then advertising will also follow.

I would also add interesting facts - people have a short attention span, if they know the page will show them something new each time they open it, it will be more interesting. Part of this would be to support research by cycling enthusiasts such as myself. Have a research and facts section.

Also include a map so people can quickly access their area of interest.

Cheers, Marc