Gil Penalosa is coming to New
Gil ( is an internationally renowned expert
on alternative transport who has achieved tremendous results
overseas, changing the way cities are planned and communities
He will be sharing his experiences and
revealing how a simple change in behaviour, resulted in incredible changes
in attitude, happiness and health for citizens of Bogota,
Ottawa and Paris. He is both inspiring and
The New Zealand Transport Agency and the
New Zealand Recreation Association have partnered to arrange for Gil to
host three workshop events.
• Christchurch - Wednesday 17 September
1:45pm (being held as part of the NZRA National Conference/IFPRA Asia
Pacific Congress)
• Wellington
- Thursday 18 September – 1:15pm
• Auckland
- Friday 19 September – 1:15pm
Entry is free to all participants - but
you must register.
Please note – the workshops are
designed specifically for transport, community development and economic
development professionals.
Spaces are limited so register now to
avoid disappointment.
for the Christchurch Workshop
DATE Wednesday 17 September 2008
TIME 1.45–4.45 pm (as part of the NZ Recreation Association National Conference / IFPRA Congress)
VENUE Christchurch Convention Centre
RSVP by Friday 12 September
for the Wellington Workshop
DATE Thursday 18 September 2008
TIME 1.15–2.30 pm
VENUE Ministry of Transport, Level 6, Novell House, 89 The Terrace, Wellington
RSVP by Friday 12 September
for the Auckland Workshop
DATE Friday 19 September 2008
TIME 1.15–3.00 pm
VENUE Rendezvous Hotel, Rendezvous II (corner of Mayoral Drive and Vincent Street, Auckland)
RSVP by Monday 15 September 2008
Gil Peñalosa recently went
Gil Peñalosa recently went to the Towards Car Free Cities conference in Portland as a keynote speaker. He would be worthwhile going to listen to if you can get there.
As Commissioner of Parks, Sports and Recreation, Peñalosa initiated Bogata's trailblazing ciclovias, where each Sunday 91 km of streets are returned to the commons for non-motorized use. 1.5 million people use the ciclovias each week and now the practice is migrating to other cities around the world, e.g. the recent ones in New York and San Francisco.
You can download a mp3 file of his speech and the subsequent press conference at:
There is also a short film made of the Ciclovias in action in Bogata that you can watch.