Have your say on WCC Annual Plan 2014

Want better cycling? Have your say today.
Good news: the city council is planning to invest $4.3 million in cycling next year, up from $1.8m.
But without strong community support, we could lose that funding, and be stuck with a few green bike boxes and crappy bike lanes.
Our Council needs to limit any increase in rates, and also has to fund libraries, pools, events, earthquake strengthening etc.
We need to let our Councillors know that safer and better cycling is a priority.

Shoot an email to annual.plan@wcc.govt.nz
Do it today. Feedback closes on 11 March.

Alternatively, go to Draft Annual Plan 2014/15 and select Make an Online Submission. Only takes a couple of minutes to register and have your say.

State your support for investing $4.3 million in cycling. And say why, e.g.
- I love cycling but hate mixing with busy traffic.
- I want my spouse / kids / granny to enjoy the benefits of biking
- Cycling is a great investment: less congestion, easier parking, lower fuel bills, cleaner air, boosts business.

Residents Quality of life: streets are quieter and safer, less chance of car getting sideswiped,
better public space. No loss of parking. Property values rise.
Business More people on bikes is great for business. In New York city, 49% increase in retail
sales for local businesses on 9th Avenue.
Lower fuel and health bills means more money is spent locally.
People on bikes Safer, convenient, direct
Health Lower health costs, healthier people.
Wellington is bottom of the list for cycling safety in NZ - a shameful fact

Background on Island Bay - city cycle route plans
We have a great opportunity to improve quality of life in Island Bay.
Wellington City Council is planning to upgrade transport links to the city. No decisions have been made, but we expect improvements for all road users including those on foot, on bikes, on buses
and driving. We also expect benefits for businesses and property owners.
WCC will consult on this from March 2014.

But we already have cycle lanes.
Existing Island Bay cycle lanes could be much better. They are too close to the door zone, they
stop at intersections, and they don't offer the protection from traffic people on bikes deserve.

How will protected (Copenhagenstyle) cycle lanes improve Island Bay?
If you ride a bike, protected cycle lanes offer a safer and easier trip.
If you drive, there will be less traffic and more parking spaces available.
If you walk, you won't have to share the footpath with bikers.
If you take the bus, it won't be held up by people on bikes.
If you run a business, there will be less pressure on car parks.
If you live on the Parade, there will be no reduction in parking. Your house may increase in value.

Can we afford it?
Cycle lanes are great value for money. NZTA covers half the costs. In comparison, the proposed Basin Reserve flyover could cost $90 million for just 400m.

What happens north of Island Bay?
There are several options through Berhampore and Newtown to the Basin Reserve. There are plans to upgrade Kent Tce and Cambridge Tce by adding cycle lanes. There's room for an attractive offroad path from Dover St around the golf course to Rintoul St, which would connect to SWIS.

Costs and Timing
Depending on the design, a cycling route from Island Bay to the CBD would cost $3 -$10 million, over 2-3 years.

Groups audience: 


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