Quarterly Report for CAN Networking project, January - March 2009

Quarterly Report for CAN Networking project, January - March 2009

To: Gerry Dance, New Zealand Transport Agency

From: CAN

31 March 2009



1a) Develop governance and organisational structure of CAN to ensure it can support its activities

CAN Exec and Staff planning meeting held, Palmerston North, 28 Feb-1 Mar.

Handbook for Executive and staff: http://can.org.nz/book/can-executive-and-staff-handbook

Kirsten Shouler started as North Island Project Officer to cover Anne Gummer's maternity leave.

Continuing work to investigate future CAN commercial opportunities (discussions with Living Streets, GrowWellington, Cancer Society, Inst of Directors)

1b) Build relationships with key professionals in agencies and sectors that have a role relating to the promotion of cycling

Relationship building has occurred through CAN and Living Streets Executive and staff working together, Auckland Regional Walking and Cycling Group Forum, Wellington Regional Active Transport Forum, and Canterbury Active Transport Forum.

Relationship building at meetings and workshops, and as issues arise:

NZ Transport Agency Staff, Bike Wise, Cycle Training Advisory Group, Hikurangi Foundation, Ministry of Tourism, Regional Councils (especially Auckland and Canterbury Regional Councils), Cycle Tour Operators NZ (CTONZ), District and City Council staff, DHB staff, and SASTA members.

Two-monthly meeting with MoTransport officials (Feb).

Meetings with CEOs of NZTA and MoTransport (Feb).

Living Streets Aotearoa (Feb, Mar)

Lake Taupo Cycle Challenge, Keith Crate

Bike NZ: meetings with John Wilmer, Greg Hamilton, and Kieran Turner (new CEO)

MoHealth (meeting in February with Jaynie G and Harriette C re HEHA programme, cycle conference and national cycleway); also ongoing contact with National Heart Foundation, Cancer Society and Obesity Action Coalition regarding continuing HEHA programme support and briefing for new Health Minister.

Intensive liaison with other stakeholders on the National Cycleway Advisory Committee (Hikurangi, Living Streets, BikeNZ, Kennett Bros, CTONZ, tourism consultants, MTBNZ), MoTourism officials and the project manager Angus Davidson. Communications also with the Prime Minister's office, Hon Bill English, Min for Infrastructure.

Invited speaker on cycling at the 9th Annual NZ Integrated Transport Summit, Auckland (Feb)

Represented active transport modes on NZTA Research Reference Group for 09/10 proposal reviews

Contact made with Govt transport and health ministers and MPs fromLabour and Green parties regarding future meetings with CAN

1c) Compile Annual Programme Report

This report contributes to the annual report.

1d) Developed Volunteer Development Strategy Strategy being developed in partnership with Living Streets for
recruitment, retention and development of volunteers at national and
local levels. Recently developed Talent Development Plan is part of this. Discussed in more detail at Exec/staff get-together (Feb/Mar).

2a) Develop a communications and media strategy for national and local communications and train cycle spokespeople

Media releases published and CAN people interviewed: (http://can.org.nz/media)
CAN Exec members interviewed after National Cycleway proposed (e.g. NewsTalk ZB live interview).

Communications framework developed. 

Spokes Canterbury deputation to Canterbury Regional Transport Committee on cycle funding cuts by Christchurch City Council picked up by local media (http://can.org.nz/article/ctv-coverage-of-lsa-spokes-at-canterbury-rtc)

Planning underway for 2009 Cycle-Friendly Awards

3a) Re-organise, catalogue, and administer the CAN library and rebuild www.can.org.nz to improve the quality and accessibility of CAN's information, particularly for cycling advocates

Local groups beginning to use and develop their websites.
CAN Forum set up.
Library up to date.
Image galleries under development.

Staff/Exec review of CAN website (what's working / not working), particularly for use by new members and local groups

Exec decision to investigate CiviCRM customer relationship management system for better online management of CAN members, groups, contacts, etc

Funding application to Internal Affairs submitted for further development of CAN website (further local training, better site navigation, more functionality e.g. mapping, admin/maintenance support)

4a) Assist and contribute where appropriate in the development and implementation of the Getting There Strategy and Implementation Plan initiatives

Meeting with Ministry of Transport re achieving Getting There in February. At the time, officials thought that cycling was 'off the agenda', but the National Cycleway proposal has since rectified this perception.

National Cycling Network proposal investigated with other cycling and tourism groups. Local groups contributed information on existing and potential cycleways for Min of Tourism report. Continuing involvement in "Freeway Zero" project and how this links with Govt cycleway proposal.

On steering group for NZTA research into cycle infrastructure for new cyclists (Uni of Canterbury), peer reviewer for TERNZ cycling research proposal for current funding round.

5a) Strengthen the existing user group network in particular the smaller groups. Facilitate the establishment of new local cyclist user groups. Attention will be given to forming new groups in the Hawke's Bay, Bay of Plenty and Auckland regions.

February issue of Chainlinks published (http://can.org.nz/chainlinks-index).

Local groups participate in Bike Wise month. Groups given information to maximise their capacity to participate in Bike Wise month. Resources to promote the local groups (post cards, business cards, stickers) developed and used.

In-house evaluation of Bike Wise month started to better inform User groups of opportunities for future Bike Wise events. CAN developed promotional material for local groups to personalise about local user group for distributing at Bike Wise and other event.

Assistance for Bike Wise activities: Cycle Action Auckland, Cycle Action Waiheke, Cycle Action Waikato, Cycle Action Whakatane, Rotorua Cycle Action received promotional material customised to their group needs, facilitating strong participation in Bike Wise events,with the creation of additional activities, such as:

Cycle Action Waiheke: Organised Esplanade road closure and community activities and entertainment. Used Microfund grant for organisation of road closure and activities and made a video and publicity trailer about the event as a tool for future communication with public and authorities. Also held public bike ride, and other community activities.

Rotorua Cycle Action: Bike swap meet and community Critical Mass ride.

Cycle Action Auckland: Increased membership and friends through participation in central, North Shore, and Onehunga events. UrbanBike evening workshop to assist new cycle commuters.

Bike! Whangarei, Cycle Action Waikato, Cycle Action Whakatane all had active member participation in Bike Wise activities throughout the month.

CAN staff team wins Bike Wise Battle nationwide small organisation category.

Cycle Action Auckland: Participation in advocacy and discussions for Auckland Harbour Bridge Get Across high profile campaign to March 2009, including co-presentation to NZTA Board in conjunction with ARC, and discussions with NZTA, ARTA, ARC, ACC, NSCC and other local authorities. Media liaison on campaign issues to March 2009.

Cycle Action Auckland has ongoing meetings with NZTA and ARTA on alternative options for cyclists crossing the harbour, including the implementation of bike on buses in Auckland.

Cycle Action Auckland extended their work using Google Maps as a tool providing information for North Shore cyclists on crash hotspots and cycle friendly facilities. This successful project, facilitated by input from CAN, is being considered for further development by ARTA, using CAA members' input.

Cycle Action Auckland: Network Project facilitation and liaison was provided to begin CAN/ CAA engagement in a cycle aware survey project for Waitakere City Council and CAA's participation in community focus groups.

Cycle Action Auckland received information on the RLTP and LTCCP
consultation processes for Auckland, North Shore, Waitakere, Manukau
city councils, including the distribution of material from NZTA and
ARTA, and written and verbal summaries of advice on consultation and
submission processes, and assistance with a workshop preparing for
upcoming consultation.

Cycle Action Auckland continued submissions on local authority cycling strategies with CAA and individual submissions to the North Shore
City Council's Draft Cycle Strategy, and prepared submission on RLTP (to be submitted April), and liaised with staff and councillors in TAs, ARTA, and NZTA in preparation for upcoming LTCCP submission round.

Cycle Action Auckland and CAN
Executive member Bevan Woodward spoke on Area-Wide Reduced Traffic Speeds to both the NZ Travel Demand Management Conference and Auckland Regional Walking and Cycling
Group Forum, and provided
liaison with the Auckland Regional Transport Committee, of which he is
a committee member.

Cambridge Te Awamutu Active Tranzport: Visited to discuss formation of new group and received advice and material regarding setting up a new CAN-affiliated active transport group, and information on active modes advocacy.

Cycle Aware Manawatu hosted CAN Exec/staff get together and pushed for a glass campaign.

Kapiti Cycling Inc have developed good relationships with councillors.

Resurrection of former Kapiti Group OCEAN to work with funding manager
at Council and the Kapiti Coast Rotary Pathways Trust.

Cycle Aware Wellington worked with a coalition of groups to raise profile of Great Harbour Way.

Cycle Aware Wellington ran two commuting workshops for Frocks on Bikes members.

Cycle Aware Wellington lead a successful campaign to reverse cuts in WCC cycling budget. Budget increased from $35k to $100k following submissions.

Cycle Aware Wellington met WCC to negotiate cycling access to commuting route in Botanic Gardens.

Cycle Aware Wellington submit on Wellington Waterfront Plan, as as a key part of Wellington's cycling network.

Groups given information to increase their understanding of RLTP funding process and their opportunities to have input.

Assisted groups in Whangarei, Whanganui, Manawatu, Wellington, Invercargill with arranging cycle training.

Bicycle Nelson Bays (BNB) and CAN applied for Community
Focused Funding with Nelson City Council as the approved organisation.
Proposal includes a number of major initiatives to improve cycling.
BNB questioning two of the RTC Community Representative positions,
including Access and Mobility who is AA person for both Nelson and
Tasman RTCs.

Spokes Canterbury met with Christchurch City Council staff to discuss draft LTCCP in relation to cycling funding and low cycling target set for 10 years of 2.4%. Will inform Spokes' upcoming submission on draft LTCCP. Spokes members attended Canterbury Active Transport Forum which included a presentation on RLTP for advocates' submissions. Preparation for RLTP and LTCCP submissions underway.

Spokes Canterbury made six submissions over January-March period, including on three major cycle lane proposals in key eastern areas of city, resulted in further cycling enhancements now under consideration by CCC. http://spokes.org.nz/submission/2009/kilmore-st-stanmore-rd-linwood-ave-cycle-lanes

Spokes Canterbury lobbying including a submission to Environment Canterbury LTCCP 08/09 on "Cycling in Canterbury: Strategy for the development of a regional network of cycle routes" was instrumental in getting the work needed to make real progress on this Strategy. Workshop about the "Regional Cycle Network Discussion Document" (ECan, March 2009) held March 20 on draft commissioned report on this Network and attended by Spokes and CAN.

Spokes Canterbury and Living Streets Canterbury submissions at RLTS hearings in 2008 and ongoing lobbying helped enable the Regional Transport Committee (RTC) Active Transport Working Group to get underway. The history is this working group was mandated for by RLTC in 2005 including terms of reference but never met. RTC voted for Working Group to get underway late in 2008 with expanded membership to include public transport representatives. It is now one of three Regional Transport Committee working groups (others are Freight and Network Efficiency Working Group, and Transport Officers Group). Membership of Active and Passenger Transport Working Group includes two of RTC Community Representatives and Spokes Canterbury. Two meetings in February and March to establish working plan for group. This group is to directly inform the RTC on Canterbury issues relating to Active and Public Transport.
Terms of Reference list functions of Active and Public Transport Working group as:
Provide technical advice and recommendations to the RTC on active and passenger transport issues and matters in Canterbury;
Provide advice and input to the RLTP as it relates to active and public transport;
Identify groups with an involvement in Active and Passenger Transport;
Identify means of implementing Active and Passenger Transport initiatives;
Provide co-ordination to other Active and Passenger Transport sub-groups and organisations involved in active and passenger transport programmes, including the Canterbury Active Transport Forum and the Passenger Transport Advisory Group;
Monitor the delivery of active and passenger transport activities in Canterbury;
Provide a report to the RTC updating the committee on the groups activities.

Spokes Dunedin used the Community Participation Funding grant obtained in October 08 to buy bike maintenance tools for workshops and cyclists generally. Tools launched at Bike Wise breakfast where new members group were recruited. Tools also used for monthly Critical Mass (30-40 attended in Bike Wise month). Spokes Dunedin have regular monthly committee meetings. Preparation beginning on submissions on draft DCC LTCCP. Date set for Spokes Dunedin AGM with guest speakers being considered.

Squeaky Wheel meeting monthly with small core group. Co-ordinated two Bike Wise events in Timaru, and participated on local Bike Wise Committee co-ordinated by Community and Public Health.

Queenstown Lakes District (QLD) and Central Otago Region visited during Bike Wise week. Progress being made on setting up local user group in QLD due to strong interest shown in Wanaka and Arrowtown. Interest also in Central Otago District area shown in Cromwell and Alexandra but on hold until further resources available.

5b) Assist with the creation of Regional Cycling Forums in locations where there is support from other organisations for their establishment


Inaugural Wellington Active Transport Forum met in February with strong cycling agenda. 

Ongoing support for the Canterbury Active Transport Forum including arranging a speaker for last meeting: Ben Wooliscroft (Marketing Department Uni. of Otago) paper on the barriers to cycling, picked up by national media.

Otago Region (Dunedin City Council and Queenstown Lakes DC keen on an Otago Active Transport Forum. Face to face meeting with QLDC in February where Council staff expressed strong interest in progressing this. Visit to Dunedin City Council planned for April to progress this further, with DCC most likely to be the co-ordinating Council.

Forum Speaker Circuit proposed by CAN staff for the four Active Transport forums. Interest shown by Environment Canterbury. The concept is to pool resources so speakers do a circuit around the forums, and also to create a database of speakers for upcoming meetings. Speaker circuit is a more efficient use of staff time, and to share best practice and innovation thus to achieving better outcomes.

5c) Organise training workshops/sessions for new and existing local cyclist user groups.

CAN Exec and Staff meeting held, Palmerston North, 28 Feb-1 Mar.

Ongoing website training

Creating Effective Submissions training underway

6a) Maintain personal contact between CAN and each local user group by verbal and/or in person for the purpose of information sharing, capacity building and guidance on strategic planning

Most local user groups (Auckland, Waiheke, Waikato, Cambridge, Rotorua, Whanganui, Manawatu, Wellington, Spokes Canterbury, Squeaky Wheel and Dunedin) been visited by staff and Exec members during this period. Staff and Exec meeting in Palmerston North entailed relationship building with Cycle Aware Manawatu. All others have been contacted by phone and/or email.

6b) Annual national meetings of representatives from local cyclist user groups and individual cyclists held for the purpose of information exchange, training and coordination

CAN Do (CAN's annual meeting) planned for 14-15 November, in New Plymouth, to follow NZ Cycling Conference.

Smaller groups encouraged to send members in order to strengthen their capacity. CAN helping with travel expenses.

CAN Exec members on organising committee with NZTA, MoH, Bike NZ, NPDC, CMSL (conference organisers). Theme: "Communities, connections and the economy". Call for abstracts and initial publicity and sponsor/exhibitor calls due to go out.

6c) Expand the information sharing user group networks for everyday cyclists. Initial focus in the Auckland region.

Initiated planning for "glass on roads" campaign. Setting up network of interested local people.

Bid for MFE Sustainability Fund for Auckland project unsuccessful. 

6e) Facilitate and encourage systems and processes that enhance national and local capability to contribute to transport planning processes

Submissions pages on CAN's website developed to prompt and inspire cyclists to contribute to planning processes. 

Three RTC Canterbury Community Representatives are interacting with local cycling user group Spokes Canterbury. Spokes Canterbury members attending RTC meetings and made a deputation on Christchurch City Council on proposed funding cuts. Recorded by local TV and mentioned in local papers. Media interest in issue created. And caused vigorous debate at RTC.