What is Sustrans' vision for getting around for local journeys that make up so much of our travelling life? What would our communities look and feel like if we were able to double the number of local journeys being made in ways that benefit our health and the environment?
Already two out of five local journeys in the UK are made by foot, bike and public transport. If we made the changes necessary to enable more people to choose smarter travel choices, we'd have clearer roads, cleaner air, and better places and spaces to move through and live in.
That's why Sustrans is issuing our call to action - More Haste, Less Speed - Upping the pace to achieve a cost-effective transition to sustainable local travel by 2020. We are calling on national, regional and local governments to act with much more haste to enable us all, whatever our age or ability, to get about more by foot, bike and public transport.
Our call builds on what is happening in communities all over the UK, where people are already choosing to make smarter travel choices wherever they can. The call explains the changes - some small, some very significant - that will need to happen to enable us to double the number of local journeys we are able to make sustainably by 2020.
This doesn't mean spending more on transport - it means spending existing budgets more wisely. And, of course, if kids are able to walk and cycle to school and play outside, more of them will have their hour a day of physical activity, saving a fortune on our health budgets. And if buses were regular, reliable and affordable and we began to use them, the enormous costs to businesses and taxpayers of congestion, fuel and traffic accidents would reduce significantly.
Download More Haste, Less Speed here
Download Evidence and Benefits here
Visit Sustrans.org.uk
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Thanks for this information.
Thanks for this information. Nice post.
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