Transport for Life rally at Parliament 19 March 2024

Let's save public transport, walking and cycling.
Join us at Parliament at 5-6 pm on Tuesday 19 March to demand transport for life.

The Government's draft transport plan locks us into car dependency. That means more traffic jams, higher costs, pollution, and more traffic deaths. You can't build your way out of congestion.

We deserve modern transport that makes it easy and affordable to get around by walking, cycling, public transport, and driving. Transport that keeps people safe, supports wellbeing, and doesn't cost the earth.

We'll have brief speeches at 5:30pm, with people from transport, health, urbanism, and climate groups:
Save Our Trains Campaign
Tim Jones, President, NZ Living Streets
Assoc Professor Caroline Shaw, University of Otago
Patrick Geddes, 350 Aotearoa
Visual aids: children's bikes, bikes with child seats, push chairs, shoes, school bags, kick scooters, child car seats, wheelchair, mobility device. These symbolise who we’re fighting for.

What’s the call to action?
Show up at Parliament to hold the Government accountable. Make a submission on the draft GPS.