Things are starting to happen for WWBF 2010 Something is brewing in New PlymouthTaxonomy upgrade extras: North Taranaki Cycling Advocates
Bridge under construction Foundations for Whakaiho River Cycle Bridge nearly ready for concrete pour.Taxonomy upgrade extras: North Taranaki Cycling Advocates
Bridge under construction Waiwhakaiho River Cycle Bridge starting to take shape.Taxonomy upgrade extras: North Taranaki Cycling Advocates
Surfriders Club #2 View from outside club rooms.Taxonomy upgrade extras: North Taranaki Cycling Advocates
New Plymouth Surfriders Club Surfriders club rooms, home for the Pre 2009 CAN D BBQTaxonomy upgrade extras: North Taranaki Cycling Advocates
New Plymouth's Coastal Pathway Extension concept plan Here is a scan of the Coastal Pathway extension concept as it was mid September.Taxonomy upgrade extras: North Taranaki Cycling Advocates
Green paint marking in cycle lanes Green paint in the cycle lane on Mangorei Rd/Rimu St intersection. This one shows that the black tire marks are already degrading the colour.Taxonomy upgrade extras: North Taranaki Cycling Advocates
Green paint marking in cycle lanes Green paint in the cycle lane on Mangorei Rd/Rimu St intersection.Taxonomy upgrade extras: North Taranaki Cycling Advocates