bike paths

Report Claims Bicyclists Responsible for Most Biking Fatalities in Berlin

When the New York Police blamed cyclists for causing 75% of accidents -- without offering supporting data, the organization Right of Way struck back with a report showing only 25% of bikers at fault, and that only on the assumption that the drivers responsible for bicycle fatalities testified fairly, in the absence of the victim's point of view.

Mikael Colville-Andersen: Cycling in Copenhagen (Video)

Here Mikael Colville-Andersen (author of and Copenhagen Cycle Chic) talks about cycling and its infrastructure in Copenhagen, Denmark. Among other things he explains how the city got to the point of having 37% of trips made by bicycle, and how the city features a "green wave" for a certain bike lane - travelling at 20km/h a cyclist will get green lights all the way into the city.

Washington DC:The Capital’s Colossal Contraflow Cycle Track

While we were down in Washington, DC for the National Bike Summit, Streetfilms got the chance to check out some of the innovative bike infrastructure. Tops on our list: the city's first protected, contraflow lane for bicyclists. The district DOT has redesigned 15th Street NW between U Street and Massachusetts Avenue to accommodate two-way bike traffic on a one-way street.