Present: Claire Pascoe, Craig Lucena, Patrick Morgan (CAN), Dolores, Gilbert Sanseau, John Randal, Simon Kennett, Paul, Jason, Willemijn, Illona Keenan (Chair), Dion O’Neale (Minutes). Andy Foster (WCC, arrived 7pm).
Apologies: Nicola Gaston.
The “Cruise the Waterfront” campaign has won an award from Living Streets Aotearoa for Best Walking Promotion.
Stop at red campaign: Patrick asked for any suggestions about details which could be part of this campaign. Could include points like providing info to cyclists on how to trigger sensor loops at traffic lights, talking to WCC about future provision of “slip lanes” or similar where suitable.
Bikes on Trains: Simon reported on the current GWRC draft policy for these. Main points are: i) No bikes on trains in peak directions at peak times. ii) Up to three bikes per two car unit to be carried in the guard’s van/dog-box at off peak times and in contra-peak directions. iii) Folding bikes to be allowed on trains as luggage when folded. iv) Bikes on trains will remain free.
The council will consult further before the policy is finalised. Currently no date is set for when the new policy will be implemented. Since a number of points in the new policy are intended to deal specifically with the new Matangi trains there may be a case for not implementing the new policy until a significant number of these have arrived.
Action: Once more is known about the policy consultation process, CAW will use the existing bikes-on-trains e-mail list to contact people (in addition to the website).
4) Free Wheel Into Summer: This will be run by WCC from 23 Oct. to 11 Dec. The change in name from “Cycle into Summer” is intended to show a shift in focus to include other (wheeled) forms of active transport. Discussion of possible events which CAW could hold to contribute to the FWIS programme included a bike hospital, a ride (or roll) along part of the Miramar peninsula. Could try to tie in an event (like Bike Dr) with Bike the Bays.
5) Progress on top projects:
i) Go By Bike Day – funding application is progressing.
ii) Vote Bike – A meeting will be held in Newtown on August 25th by Civic Trust and Progressive Residents Association to identify issues which are important to communities/ community groups in the upcoming local body elections. Action: Gilbert to attend.
iii) Black spots & advance stop boxes – Illona is meeting with WCC on 9th Aug. these will be discussed then. Action: Patrick to provide Illona with information currently on the website about locations of these.
6) Upcoming meetings:
i) Wellington Waterfront 6th Aug. – Mention award for Cruise the Waterfront campaign. There is support for pedestrian priority on the waterfront. Also discussed: signs indicating routes for cyclists to avoid conflict with pedestrians, cycle paths on, or near, the Quays. Action: Claire and Paul to attend.
ii) WCC active transport 18th Aug. – Action: Paul to attend.
iii) SASTRG – When??
iv) CAW-WCC update 9th Aug. – Illona circulated a list of proposed discussion points. Action Illona to attend.
7) Finance: Go By Bike Day coordinator’s fee for 2010 still has not been paid. It was uncertain whether an amount had been agreed for this at an earlier meeting. It was agreed that if no amount had already been set, CAW would pay up to $2800.
It was discussed whether it would be possible to make the coordinators job more streamlined in future.
Action: Illona to check previous minutes to see if an amount has been set to pay the GBBD coordinator. If no fee was fixed then Illona to pay up to $2800 once CAW receives an invoice.
8) Oral submission on lower speed limits for the Golden Mile (12th Aug): Discussion of points which CAW may wish to make. This included explaining the principle of “shared spaces”.
Action: Willemijn will present an oral submission on behalf of CAW.
9) Rants and Raves: Paul suggested the idea of closing one lane to traffic around the southern bays for one day per week/month/whenever possible. A one-way- bays day fits well with the idea of occasionally closing part of the road around the bays to traffic as discussed at previous meetings.
Meeting closed at 7:45pm
Waterfront - pedestrian/cycle interaction
There's often discussion of whether there should be separate cycle/ped paths on the Waterfront. Following up on the cycle/Waterfront issue: last weekend I biked the Stanley Park bike route in Vancouver. Here they separate cyclists and pedestrians, and it seems to work well - for most of the route. This is because there's generally a physical barrier - either a separate path or a kerb so the paths are at different levels. Where there was just a painted line, chaos ensued - cyclists and pedestrians straying into each others areas! The lesson I draw from this would be that separating cyclists and pedestrians on the Wellington waterfront would require physical separation that would be expensive and awkward to travel on - we're better to promote shared space, and push for cycle lanes on the Quays.