March 2010
To: - Traffic Design Group, Tracy Trigg
Cc HCC, Shaun Peterson and Steve Taylor
Cc Living Streets, Judy Macdonald
Cc CCS Disability Action, Gerri Pomeroy
Cc Cycling Advocates Network, Patrick Morgan
Cycle Action Waikato Submission - Speed Limit Amendments 2010
Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the proposed speed reductions.
We strongly support this HCC initiative to reduce speed limits on roads within Hamilton City.
This will significantly improve the safety for those walking, cycling, and the mobility impaired on those roads affected by this proposal.
We are pleased to see the third stage of installment of the 40kph school zones in Hamilton.
Can we please have some feedback on how well existing 40kph school zones are working, and any issues raised from installing them? (Both positive and negative)
We support the reduction from 60kph to 50kph for the bypassed sections of State Highway 1 on Avalon Drive and Lincoln Street, – soon to be gazetted as local roads. Lower speeds will tie in well with the HCC-proposed installation of cycle lanes on these roads to provide safer cycling.
The 2007 and 2008 previous ‘Proposed Speed Limit Changes’ maps do not show the Avalon Drive Bypass, which is an important part of the City Arterial Ringroad. This project has been completed and is now in use.
Can this please be added to the 2010 speed limit proposal?
30kph streets in the CBD Precinct will make a welcome addition to creating a vibrant ‘people-focused’ City Heart.
We request two additional 30kph streets - Worley Place, and Ward Street between Victoria and Anglesea Streets. (i) These are busy pedestrian areas linking Garden Place and connecting the Downtown Mall to Centreplace Mall. (ii) This will fit well with the Victoria Street 30kph zone, which extends as far as Claudelands Road.
We have been advised of a possible HCC project, an electronic-displayed speed reduction on Whitiora Bridge – to be activated by cyclists through detector loops on the outer bridge lanes when they are riding on the bridge. The 2006 permanent removal of the road shoulders to three-lane the bridge to reduce congestion for motorists, has made it much more difficult and dangerous to cycle across this essential Cross-City-Connector to the City Arterial Ringroad. The situation as it is now creates pedestrian / cycle conflict on the footpath. This bridge urgently needs safer cycle facilities.
Can you please include this in the 2010 speed limit proposal?
In the interim period between Wairere Drive stage III opening, and construction of the Eastern Arterial to Ruakura Road, it is vital that cyclists are provided with a safe access from the Wairere Drive/Tramway Road intersection to the Waikato University, Ruakura Research Centre, and the Business Innovation Park.
As Wairere Drive Stage III nears completion, please remember to activate the CAW request (which has been approved through the Speed Bylaw Review) for Tramway Road speed reduction from 80kph to 50kph, from the current 50kph limit sign - to the new roundabout intersection of Wairere Drive and Tramway Rd.
Can you please include this in the 2010 speed limit proposal?
We request a written response to our submission.
Rob Davidson and John Meekings (On behalf of Cycle Action Waikato)