Please post any feedback by Monday 19 Oct.
Backgroud here:
Wellington 2040-Feedback Form
All café & retail spaces, parks &
waterfront, all equally
Make verandahs continuous, and high
across intersections
Make short cuts from corner-to-corner
across all parks
Cease building underground car-parks on
the waterfront especially those under raised decks which block views
Make all-weather promenades under
verandas, and plant trees along the waterfront
The waterfront quays & streets, and
Taranaki St
Difficult to walk across without
Plant trees and provide refuges
Main threat now is trauma from cars
In the future, Technological-Age
decline, sea level, & climate
Transit Malls
Make the main passenger transport
system light rail through pedestrian malls & traffic-calmed
streets. (The buses are beyond the limit of their capacity and
thereby congest each other)
The transit system & roads are so
attractive many people choose not to use cars for many trips as has
changed in car-oriented Stuttgart the home of Mercedes Benz, windy &
cold Copenhagen, & hilly San Fransisco
Council should use international best practice for all surveys & plans
Council should concentrate on infrastructure, open spaces, & promotion thereby creating an environment for citizens' initiatives
- Permitted height limits should not be increased
Maintain them cost-effectively & traffic-calm all roads
Use Florence as precedence and promote tall studs by defining height by the number of permitted storeys and a rule that all windows be tall
With seed money
With many small disbursements
Provide continuous shelter and the best possible transit system
- Provide the best possible alternatives to cars. There is no international success for the promotion of CBDs with cars, including Stuttgart
Make a priority of
traffic modes in line with international best practice;
Commercial &
emergency vehicles
Concentrate on 1) above
- Do not promote the use of cars
Enjoying all it has to offer, in safety & quiet
Demand will slow & stop when it's reached its limits under the permitted height limits. Try to reduce height limits and increase stud heights
Wellington's main identity is its people and the buildings & spaces they need therefore it's not unique, all cities have this identity. Its uniqueness comes from its geography and capital city status
Promote compactness without increasing height limits by minimizing car-parks and roads for cars
Charge for waste, water, sewage & fuel, and cease costly projects such as the car-parks under Queens Wharf, Frank Kitts Park & the Civic Square. Otherwise consult international best practice
Build verandas as 4) above. Ignore sea level rises and the decline of the Technological Age as they will make seaside cities unlivable at about the same time
Council made major blunders advocating under-ground car-parks, non-leisure retailing, offices and indoor sports buildings on the waterfront. Due to 10) above maximize green spaces and resist other demands.
Each "stick to the knitting", and use international best practice
Take guidance from international best practice
- Make surveys that are designed to maximize true opinion and produce statistically measurable results