Courtesy of Malcolm Law:
The following story appeared on the front page of The Hutt News, June 9 2009.
"Big boost for cycling budget
The city council will bump up its spending on cycleways from $150,000 to $350,000 a year, an acknowledgement of strong public support for improved cycling facilities in surveys and submissions on its 10 year community plan.
It's likely a priority for the 2009/10 budget will be work on a River Trail cycleway between Manor Park and Silverstream. At present cyclists are forced to dice with motorised traffic on the highway at that point. $10,000 will also be set aside as the Hutt's contribution to a detailed investigation of the Great Harbour Way, a proposed 5 metre wide cycleway/walkway running from Red Rocks In Wellington, all the way around the harbour to Burdan's Gate."
Thank you to all the people who made submissions on the community plan.