BUGs - Bicycle User Groups

a list of BUGs

Bicycle User Groups
"Bicycle User Groups (BUGs) by their nature, are diverse creatures. They have different habitats and thrive on different nutrients. Despite this, they have a common ground -- the love of the bicycle."
Bicycle User Groups (BUGs) are formed by people who want to work together to improve facilities for cyclists and encourage cycling. Many BUGs are workplace based: we all have gripes about inadequate racks, lack of showers and how to get others out of their cars and into the saddle, but we may not know how to change things.
One of the main reasons to form a BUG is to win friends and influence people. Forming a BUG can help you decide what you want at your place of work and begin to plan how to get it. BUGs can act as a central information resource and as a forum for other people to get inspired, involved, and informed. BUGs can also be social.

Many Bugs work towards getting better parking and shower facilities at their workplaces.
Bugs can create projects and events for National Bike Wise month, specially Go by Bike Day.

Information on setting up a BUG can be found on these websites: [Note: Some sites refer to "BUGs" that cover a district (like our local advocacy groups) rather than just one employer.

The Cycle-Friendly Employer Resources include guidance on BUGs in the workplace.

Spokes (Lothian Cycle Campaign, UK) BUG Guide
Bike Victoria (Oz) BUG page and Start-Up Manual
Bicycle Coalition of Maine (US) Bike-to-Work Employer Guidelines


Bike Commuter Tips: Also check out these tips:


BUGs in the workplace
The following Bicycle User Groups (BUGs) are happy to share their experiences with others who are considering setting up a BUG:
* MetServiceContact: Wim Vandijk Email: Wim.Vandijk@metservice.com
* Massey UniversityContact: Christine CheyneEmail: c.m.cheyne@massey.ac.nz
* University of Auckland Bicycle Users Group: http://www.auckland.ac.nz/bikes/

New Zealand BUGs - please add to the list
Auckland City Council

Massey University

NIWA (k.firth@niwa.co.nz) (j.mountjoy@niwa.co.nz)

Landcare Research New Zealand Ltd

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