Cycling advocates are deeply concerned about the Government's draft transport plans, released today.

"Instead of getting New Zealand back on track, they are taking us on a road to nowhere," said Cycling Action Network spokesman, Patrick Morgan.

Cutting investment in cycling, walking and public transport is unacceptable. That would cost lives, damage health, deepen the climate crisis, and harm our communities.”

"It is a truth universally acknowledged that you can't build you way out of congestion. Wasting billions on highways means that urgently needed transport projects which deliver safety, emission cuts, and better transport choices, are delayed or cancelled."

"At a time when most countries are rapidly moving to improve public transport, walking, and cycling, it's embarrassing for New Zealand to deepen our dependence on motor vehicles. The Government's wrong-headed transport plans are from the 1960s. We deserve safe streets and modern transport, not to be locked into failed ideas from last century."

Mr Morgan predicted the draft plans will be unpopular with local councils, who dislike central government telling them what to do.

Release Date: 
Monday, 4 March, 2024