North Taranaki Cycle Advocates
Thur 24 Sept 2014
Chair: Graeme
Notetaker: Stuart
Present: Graeme, Stuart, Joelle
1. Balances
NTCA account: $528.2
Bike kitchen: $125.70
2. Urban Cycling Fund grants
Action: Graeme will set up meeting with Carl to review progress of Urban Cycling Fund grants.
3. Discussed the loss of bike path on Northgate in front of Girls High (due to Mangorei Rd upgrade) and issues this poses for students who walk or cycle to Girls High or Sacred heart. Also discussed need to clarify whether bikes will still be able to turn left off Watson onto Northgate when Northgate upgrade completed.
4. Providing feedback to NPDC about continuing bike safety concerns.
Action: Graeme will email entire NTCA group requesting feedback regarding which particular intersections, etc irritate them the most.
5. CAN update - Graeme
CAN still looking for appropriate entity to perform external review. They have been unsuccessful in finding new chair to replace Graeme, but Will Andrews has offered to share role. Also taking up offer by Nelson coordinator to lead a CAN rebranding effort - to include website revamp and possible name change.CAN has 2 new committee members (both women).
6. Bike skills update - Joelle
Joelle spoke to Ed Parker to put him in touch with Joe Rauner about providing bike fix-up options in Waitara. She will also put him in touch with Grant Coward about finding volunteers for Waitara youth cycling group.
7. Bike Kitchen
Holding brake workshop on Wed 30 Sept at 5 pm. Limited to 10 people so pre-registration esential (via Facebook page
Discussed holding Christmas event at Bike Kitchen and using some of our funds to provide refreshment.
Action: Graeme will check with Alan about possible dates.