CAW meeting 5 August 2014 minutes

CAW meeting 5 August 2014 minutes


Patrick, Ed. Jean, Alan, James, Peter, Brian, Ruben, Andy, Adam, Max, Sridhar, Juliet, Mark, Claudia, Tim, Alastair (2x)

Cycle related research:

Jean Beetham and Ed Randal presented the results of their research into how safer cycle routes would influence the uptake of cycling in Wellington. Both the presentations are attached to these minutes as PDFs.

Ed looked at whether recreational cyclists find it easier to move to transport cycling, finding that they did. (link to Ed's thesis)


  • Lessons for cycle advocacy are that we should:
  • promote cycling as fun, healthy, and enjoyable
  • support cycle skills training
  • focus on recreational and transport cycling together


Jean looked at the space allocated to parking rather than cycling, taking Tory Street as an example. Interestingly she found that removal of parking would have little impact on business. It would be useful to expose business owners to this research. (link to Jean's thesis)

Island Bay to CBD cycleway 

The 27 August Council meeting will debate a motion that will take control of cycleway development away from the Transport committee, which could result in delays to the the development of the cycleway. People should contact their councillors asking them to vote against this.

The report on stage 2 of the Cycleway has been released: eliminated some indirect routes, proposes two main routes (Adelaide, Riddiford) with a combination of one way and two way separated cycleways. Rintoul St is eliminated since it will be used by the  Bus Rapid Transit System. A detailed design will be released in December. 

There'll be a ride on proposed Stage 1 cycleway, Sunday 10 August 12 noon Wakefield Park. BYO BBQ

Johnsonville cycle issues

James outlined work being done on roading in Johnsonville, which will provide connections Ngauranga to Tawa; but some problems with grumpy shopkeepers.

Government Policy Statement on Land Transport Funding campaign

Flyers are being distributed around town, encouraging people to make submissions advocating for a tripling of the national budget for cycling.

Bicycle Movie

is happening 12 August. Book your ticket.

Willis/Karo bike issues

At Karo/Taranaki, the bike approach lane is pinched by new traffic island.

Cyclists heading from Victoria Street to Brooklyn have difficulty. James proposes shared footpath on right hand side.

Cyclists should be able to legally use the pedestrian crossing at Karo/Willis.

Waterfront etiquette: time to re-publicise Cruise the Waterfront?

There have been some letters in the Dominion Post about cyclist/walker conflict. With summer coming on there is a need to show that cyclists are concerned about the issue. Patrick, with Alastair and James, will organise an initiative. Noted that long term solution is cycle lanes on the Quays for fast cyclists.

Rants and Raves

Tim: NZ Commonwealth medals track and MTB

Alastair: bike route through Aro community centre

Brian: increased bike parking at airport.

Alan: wants good egs of bike stands for Hutt City (actually the ones at Days Bay are quite nice!)

James: Trademe 5 parking spaces for 500 employees, emphasising bike parking over car parking.

Adam: recounted hassles with NZTA

James : suggested as contact Adam Nicholls, journey manager, representing NZTA network. 

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