Minutes 2 April 2014

Minutes 2 April 2014

North Taranaki Cycle Advocates

2 April 2014



Chair: Graeme

Notetaker: Stuart

Present: Graeme, Nathaniel, Alan, Stuart, Joelle


1. Survey results

Stuart reported that 21 people responded to survey. There was a clear pattern of responses showing that cyclists are still really concerned about road safety issues with 70-90% indicating that hazardous traffic conditions (hazardous roads, excess speed and inconsiderate drivers) remain a major disincentive against cycling.

According to the survey, two-thirds of local employers are promoting cycling in some way.

Interest in NTCA events was roughly distributed between Fri Critical Mass events, commuter route audits, daylong recreational rides and bike repair workshops. Roughly 1/3 of respondents expressed interest in each activity.

70% indicated they would visit our Facebook page if it featured regular posts about road safety and motorist issues.

Slightly under two thirds were very or slightly interested in helping NTCA launch a Green Bikes bike repair facility.

About half were interested in helping NTCA with ongoing activities such as preparing submissions to NPDC, TRC and NZTA, undertaking cycle audits, meeting with Let's GO and NPDC roading teams, and lobbying NZTA and local MP for improved sustainable transport systems. Interest was equally divided among the five activities.

Action: Graeme will co-sign a cheque for $50 and put it in Stuart's letterbox.

Action: Stuart will take the cheque to Bike Barn to get the $100 bike voucher and do the draw (of the email addresses that were submitted) to awarad the voucher.

Action: Stuart will send the Survey Monkey link and password to Graeme so he can harvest the emails for our email distribution list. Done.

2. Current bank balance: $401.79 including this year's interest (minus $50 for voucher)

3. Cyclist and scooter training update

4. Train the trainers training held last night at Moturoa School. This will enable the school to continue the in-school (Level 1) training on their own without NPDC support.

Te Pi'ipi'inga, Spotswood Primary and Tikorangi School have train the trainer trainings scheduled (sponsored by BDO accounting firm)

22 kids from Moturoa school have joined Weetbix Triathalon

5. Moturoa Bikes in Schools project: - being progressed.

Moturoa board of trustees are in favour of promoting cycling as a school, the Bikes in Schols concept and the building of a practice track and a small skills track. Sources of funding are to be explored. This may include application to the 2nd round of KiwiSport funding to Sport Taranaki.

6. Bike kitchen and evening bike mainteance workshops

Still looking for CBD premises and lead coordinator for project.

7. Bertrand Road bridge query

Based on extended email correspondence, NPDC seems to be taking our advice about modifications.

8. April events:

  • CAN Do in Whanganui this weekend at Quaker Event Centre
  • Mountain to Sea Multisport Event from Ruapehu to mouth of Whaganui River
  • 27 May - Velo City conference in Adelaide

9. Submissions to NPDC draft annual plan

Discussed current NPDC budget constraints and importance of building community support for sustainable transport by participating in 7 April Community Conversation (about annual plan) at TSB Showplace.

10. Next meeting: Wed 7 May at 5.30 pm. Location to be announced.


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