North Taranaki Cycle Advocates
2 October 2013
Chair: Graeme
Notetaker: Stuart
Present: Alan, Graeme, Stuart, Nigel, Joelle
Apology: Nathaniel
1. Discussion of mountain bikers speeding past walkers on Te Henui trail.
Action: Graeme will mention problem to mountain bike group.
2. Joelle and Graeme speaking with Motorua principal about starting up bike skills training there - possibly using the Bikes in Schools model they use in Hawke's Bay. Also discussion of creating a bike track to link Devon Intermediate, Spotswoord Primary and Motorua school.
3. Joelle also working on increasing links between Spotswood Primary and Motorua school and the BMX club.
4. Joelle announced there will be a bike ride on the Te Henui for the International Day of the Older Person on Tues 8 Oct. Meet at 10:15 outside the skate rink at the East End Reserve - leaving at 10:30. To be followed by picnic with bike fix-up workshop at 12:00. Afterwards golf-croquet match at the bowls club.If it rains, ride postponed to Thur 10 Oct.
Action: Graeme to post event on Facebook page.
5. Joelle announced women's social bike ride every Wed at 10:30. Meet at Bike Barn on Gill Steet - ride to port for coffee - followed by optional longer ride to Bell Block. Contact Bike Barn to register.
Action: Graeme to post event on Facebook page.
6. Graeme presented key CAN initiatives for coming year - exploring possible lobbying role (limited due to charitable status), piggybacking on national safe traffic speed campaign, re-establishing contact with police (nationally) about variance in dealing with motorists who hit cyclists, educating police about cyclists' proper location on the road, educating traffic engineers.
7. Bike repair facilities - Alan reported that KCL properties is talking about setting up bike repair facility for their staff - also that Midweek had article about Mr Carter at Puki Ariki planning to start a Green Bikes program in Taranaki.
Action: Alan will try to find Mr Carter's website so we can make contact with him.
8. Surveying our members about specific activities that would get them more engaged in NTCA.
Action: Stuart will draft some possible survey questions to bring to next meeting.
9. Next meeeting 6 Wed 5:30 pm