Cycle Aware Wellington
Windy Wheels July 1996
Thank you Sean for the excellent way in which you edited the June Windy Wheels. The time away was worthwhile. I have returned to look at Wellington with fresh eyes. I spent one week on the Cape Cod peninsula (Massachussetts on the East Coast of America) and Boston, and almost two weeks in Denmark.
Cape Cod has several nature tourist cycle tracks. Maps are available which show their exact location. There were no marked cycle tracks or on-road cycle facilities on any other roads on the Cape, but motorists showed extreme caution and courtesy to cyclists and pedestrians.
A designated cycle track runs between Lexington-Arlington-Boston. This was the only commuter cycle track that I saw. It is constructed on top of an old railway line. It is well marked with signage and stencils and runs through a lovely wooded area. When I was there on a Friday morning it was heavily trafficked. A tunnel is being constructed underneath the city centre and above ground plans have designated cycle paths. Cycling is encouraged in the Boston Museum of Science and Technology, which had a display and model of the traffic planning in Boston for the future.
I was last there in 1989. There were many long distance cycle tracks there then. But I was not prepared for the amazing advances for cyclists in the cities and even in smaller towns. In the city or town centre some streets had been converted to walking streets and 30Km speed limits imposed in most centre streets.
On all by-pass roads and through roads in the towns I saw, there were cycle tracks in both directions. The tracks/paths were raised by a low nib/curb, marked by large stencils (embedded), signs and red coloured sealing. As a motorist you were in no doubt where to watch out for cyclists. The coloured sealing continued through the crossing whether the crossing had lights or not. The same was the case for round-abouts. As the track left town the red seal stopped but the path continued with a grassy strip between the road and the cyclist. The cyclist has priority. On a seven (7) km ride with two small children, we did not have to stop once, we kept riding along the red seal past intersecting streets, where cars stopped to let us pass before continuing .
Cycle tourism is very popular with Danes and also foreigners who come to holiday. Package tours are available, both camping and Inn accommodation. There
are special cycle camping grounds with water and toilets which cost only $2.50 overnight.
Pictures and brochures are available for loan, should you be interested ph 499-2176.
Liz Mikkelsen
News from France
The mayor of Paris announced in March that $6 Million would be spent on new pedestrianised zones as well as 56 km of cycle tracks. Air quality in the city has got so bad that the government is providing free public transport on days when pollution reaches danger levels. Traffic bans in some streets on Sundays have become popular, and the mayor is encouraging commuting on the River Seine.
Library Displays - Road Safety Week
The Hutt Library Display was particularly a great success this year. It was bright, eyecatching and very relevant. The road Safety Co-ordinator for the Hutt Council, Natalie Hazelwood, rang and congratulated and thanked CAW Hutt Group, for their effort. We would like to give special recognition to Philip Caughley who organised it.
The Wellington Display was on the first floor this year, but was still well attended. Many leaflets were handed out. A questionnaire, which is included with this newsletter was filled in by many visitors. Please help us by filling it in yourself and ask friends or family to do the same. Return to PO Box 11-964. Thank you.
It would be good if the Greater Wellington Libraries would be as interested in "Live" displays as their counterparts overseas, who did this type of display themselves - bicycle and all.
Dr Bike
Two "clinics" were held, one in Wellington and one in Lower Hutt. Both in front of the Public Library. Despite scant advertising the Hutt clinic was a success. On a Saturday morning many Hutt residents cycle to their library. Steven Howard, who was the bike doctor, was working non-stop checking, particularly, children's bicycles. There were some horrific cases of back brakes entirely missing and wheels about to fall off.
Fred was there to engrave names on bicycles. Many cyclists took this opportunity to have their name engraved to safeguard their bicycle from theft. Bruce McLachlan came all the way from Upper Hutt on his re-cumbent to demonstrate it to interested passers by. As always it created great interest. Meantime another CAW member handed out leaflets and materials to both cyclists and motorists. A few worthwhile Petone contacts were also obtained.
We have now received a grant to buy a bike trailer to enable us to carry tools, sign and stand to the "Clinic" sites. At the specialist training for bike doctors done by Simon Kennett, he recommended that the following items be obtained:
Adaptor for pump to fit old style removable valve, decent puncture repair kit, 2 sets of Allen keys smaller than the one we have (include 4a Tectro key for brake cables.) Sandpaper, partly used brake blocks, craft knife (preferred curved blade). Single 8 mm spanner, 8mm/10mm spanner. Pieces of tyre sidewall and carry bag or box for tools.
If you have any of above that you can spare, CAW would be happy to receive a donation. In case you are not aware of this: Wellington Cycle shops have partly financed Dr Bike by an advertisement for their shop and services on the back of the form given to the "patient" owners, showing problems which has to be fixed for the bike to be safe.
Training for "Surgeons"
Two places are available for training with Simon Kennett for members who would like to help us out in this very worthwhile volunteer work to keep people safe on the road. Please ring Liz Mikkelsen on 499-2176 or Neil Dykes on 479-4100.
Inner City Bypass
CAW delivered a submission on the ICB. Apparently 1100 submissions were received. Your submission may have been one of them. A great effort of Wellingtonians. You may have seen the article in Contact which said: "Footpaths and an off-road cycle path are proposed along the route."
It all sounds very promising, but the cycle paths are not carried through, in several places one has to get off to cross streets. You don't see motorists getting out of their cars to push it across the intersection!
Volunteer Involvement Programme
Just in case you didn't notice this opportunity to participate and learn on this course, we bring this item again:
It is preferable that you are active in CAW, but not a condition for applying to participate in this worthwhile learning. There are still a few places available: The course will probably run one day on each of two consecutive weekends. Please ring Robert on 385-2557 if you are interested.
Velo Australia - Perth 27/10-1 Nov 1996
CAW is applying for funds to send two members to this event. some members are going on their own accord. CAW is also encouraging Wellington City Council to send one or two persons to the event. Most European countries, United States, Kenya, China, Papua New Guinea and other Asian countries are sending representatives to run workshops and give talks. The programme looks exciting. There are many planned cycle tours both before and after the event. Freemantle has many wonderful nature and heritage trails to try out.
The most important for us is to mingle with representatives from other countries which are further advanced with regards to cycle facilities, and listen to their stories of how they achieved their aim. We then hope to use some of those tactics in New Zealand. Hopefully the WCC send representatives to learn what is already good practise, thereby prevent costly errors.
Should you wish to get a programme: Fax 61-9-316-1453. Email: or write to Promaco Conventions Pty Ltd, PO Box 890, Canning Bridge Western Australia 6153.
Hutt Group
This group was formed in the beginning of 96. Steven Howard is the Co-ordinator of the group. Other members are Simon Miller, long standing member of CAW, Philip Caughley and Mike Emery.
The Hutt Group is working to raise awareness of the need for cycle facilities in the area. It seems Lower Hutt is a real wonderful place to cycle, even if you live on the hills, the new mountain bikes have enough gears to get you up there. Many streets are wide enough to have cycle paths. Issues identified in the past are difficulties for the school children cycling to school in the Hutt. In Perth the City has "a "Safe Routes to School" programme aiming to maintain and, if possible increase the already high cycling to school participation leven of school children"
Another issue is the re-instatement of the cycle track between the Ngauranga - Thorndon track (Wellington End) and Petone. We know, of course these things take time, but we have been campaigning for this for two years now.
CAW Hutt really need your support. You can help us in the following ways:
- Talk with friends, aquintances, work mates and family about CAW
- Distribute the enclosed leaflets
- Get your child's teacher involved
- Tell us what you think we should be doing that we are not doing
- Go to the next meeting to meet us
- If you know HCC officers - inform them - support us
Steven Howards phone number is 565-1211. Next meeting is 17 July 8 PM at 1 Atiawa Street, Petone.
Some other Hutt issues
Rubbish on roads: The HCC phone number to ring regarding this is: 570-6712
Storm water grates causing accidents: Please ring this number to report on particularly dangerous grates in the Hutt area: 565-1211. (Steven Howard)
Education & Safety Group
National Road Safety Advisory Group (NRSAG)
Kerry and Robert gave a very successful presentation to this body on the 11th June which went overtime (mainly because of the large number of questions from the group members). The absence of cyclists and cycling issues in general in Road Safety literature was a significant point that was well noted. The courier issue was in the main avoided but it was decided that a full meeting of CAW should discuss this with a view to forming a formal policy. It is not yet certain whether CAW will be asked to provide a representative on the NRSAG but we will certainly be invited back for further discussion. Date for the latter to be finalised.
The presentation was word processed and handed to NRSAG. I have read it and complement the authors on how they have managed to cover the broad issues such as the health and congestion factors with good statistics, down to specific issues such as the Road Code, driver instruction and design of facilities. A copy of the presentation is available from CAW at the cost of photocopying (Ed.)
Accident Reporting
The most important thing here is that at present bikes are not registered and riders are not licensed. This is another area that a full meeting of CAW should discuss with the view to forming a formal policy. In general the view at the meeting was that this would be a negative step. Because cycles are not motor vehicles, accidents involving them are not reported unless someone goes to hospital. This means the statistics are biased and it is difficult to argue for resources on cycle safety. A publicity campaign should be started to encourage reporting to police or perhaps set up an Amnesty line/0800 number.
The Agenda for the next meeting, Wednesday 17 July 7.30 PM, 1 McFarlane Street, Mt Victoria, is:
Road Safety Week debriefing, National Road Safety Advisory Group report on presentation & subsequent meeting with LTSA. Adult education progress on developing skills courses. WCC Road Safety Sub Committee matters for meeting of 18 July.
Critical Mass Rides
First Friday of each month:
Friday 2 August
Leaves 264 Cuba Street 5.30 PM
Stops by the old Circa building on the seaside of Civic Square by the bridge at 5.40PM
Technical & Planning Group Report
Activity since last newsletter has mainly involved preparation for the second meeting with WCC Transport and Traffic Staff on 13/6/ and subsequent evaluation. At the T & T meeting we were shown a compromise grating: 1/2 parallel and 1/2 perpendicular bars. The design wasn't ideal, with large gaps between the bars. WCC T&T seemed amenable to the suggestion that only a few gratings were a real problem and noted our nominated examples (for starters). Likewise, our prioritised list of routes on the Cycle Route Network was accepted. There may be a possibility of meetings re Petone-Nga" Cycle Track between cycle groups, local authorities and Transit NZ once the WCC engineer responsible (Ali K), has prepared some specific proposals. Urban speed limits: T&T seemed to accept the idea of traffic calming on cycle routes but noted that they can't set low speed limits.
Cycle forum Report (24/5): This was held at Lower Hutt. HCC cycling policy was basically presented as accomodation of cycles within traffic lanes. The Forum was presented with a motion to request WRAG to withdraw opposition to the Newlands Interchange because it's design is now good for cyclists. CAW Rep. abstained because our position hadn't been discussed at a meeting. A good cycle Forum strategy was approved.
ICB Stages 2&3: The CAW submission on this was immanent so it was discussed and carried over for presentation at the June meeting. It focussed mainly on deficiencies in cycle facilities in the ICB proposals, particularly in Vivian and Ghuznee Streets.
Bus Lanes: A second WCC Meeting re cycle use of - on 18/7.
Next meeting: 16th July 8pm 103a Tasman Street. Agenda includes: Rail crossing on Aotea Quay. Transit's Standard on Catseyes and road shoulder markings.
Next full CAW Meeting 30 July Draft Agenda
Venue: Peace and Environment Centre, 264 Cuba Street (Sharp Building) 6 PM
Passing of Minutes from previous meeting and Matters arising
Officers Resports
Group Reports
Urgent Business
a) Final decision on Letterhead, cards and new M/ship leaflet
b) Group organization
c) Dr Bike - tools - bike trailer - training
Social Evening
Volunteer Involvement Programme - enrolment
Decision on how to handle debate re
a) Cycle courier issue - do we need a policy
b) Mandatory use of Cycle Lanes - our policy
c) Licensing of bikes
d) on/off road facilities
Forrmation of National Cycle Lobby Organization
National land Transport Strategy
Publicity campaign - reporting of accidents